HPV Genital Warts: Venereal Warts

Genital warts are caused by genital Human papilloma virus infection. Genital warts are also known as venereal warts. It is caused by virus called human papilloma virus. This is a family of around 40 HPV viruses that has many strains and types causing several sexually transmitted diseases. These viruses have been identified as a cause of cervix and certain other cancers. HPV viruses have been categorized as low risk or high risk virus.

It is said that anywhere from seventy to ninety percent of all sexually active adults have contracted HPV at some point or other, while around fifty percent of all sexually active adults are currently infected with HPV. HPV can be transmitted even with a condom in use. Because warts can infect the area surrounding the genitals, a condom only decreases the risk of transmission without eliminating that risk entirely. HPV Genital Warts can also be transmitted whether or not there is an active wart infection present. This contributes to the above statistic regarding this being the most common venereal disease.

Certain types of HPV can lead to cervical cancer- Cervical cancer claims tens of thousands of lives every year with about three quarters of all cervical cancer cases being linked directly to human papillomavirus. Unfortunately, the strains that can lead to cervical cancer will never lead to genital warts. The only way to combat this risk is with a regular pap smear.

There are several surgical procedures available to get rid of them completely like cryosurgery, electrocautery, normal surgery and carbon dioxide laser therapy. There are formulations of vaccines for females specifically to provide protection against four strains of HPV that cause genital warts and cervical cancers. Pap smear test has been proved to be useful for females. To avoid spread of HPV virus, condoms are a suggested way as they minimize the risk of HPV infection but as they cannot cover the entire infected area they are not fully protected.

HPV genital warts are in most of the cases, asymptomatic and painless but at the same time they are irritating and discomforting. In severe cases they can cause pain, bleeding and ulceration. The most common problem due to HPV genital warts is mental stress as the non infected partner has a complete chance of acquiring it during sexual activity and there is no way to avoid its spread. The only way is to abstain from sexual activity to avoid HPV genital warts.

Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.

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