HPV Genital Wart Treatment: Discover Your Options

HPV genital wart treatment can be frustrating. The average person may need several treatments to clear genital warts. None of the available treatments is a cure for HPV. The virus can remain in the skin after treatment. Because the virus can lie dormant in the cells, in some cases warts can return months or even years after treatment. In other cases warts never recur. The types of HPV linked to cervical cancer usually are not the types linked with genital warts. But a woman with genital warts, like any other sexually active woman, should have regular smears as advised by her health professional. Cervical smears are the best safeguard against cervical cancer. Cervical smears detect abnormal cells present on the surface of the cervix. Cancer almost always can be prevented through the early detection and treatment of abnormal cervical tissue.

Most people have a basic understanding that genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) which is a sexually transmitted infection that is highly contagious. It is estimated that more than 65% of those that come into contact with the virus will end up getting it themselves. One of the problems with the condition is that you don’t know straight away whether you have it or not. It can take several months (and sometimes even longer) before any physical signs or growths might appear. Further complications arise from the fact that some people will contract the virus and never have any warts at all.

The infected area should be cleansed thoroughly and dried using a clean towel. Medication like powders, sprays or antifungal cream should be used as directed. Several treatments, some of which are provider-administered or self-administered, are available. Genital warts can be chemically burned or frozen with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). Although these techniques for freezing the warts are effective, they can cause a temporary irritation of tissue. Some say that the use of castor oil is one of the good home remedies for warts . The oil should be applied kindly over the affected parts each night but how effective it would be with infected genitalia is not stated.

Once you contract this virus you may not know for up to three years. This is why it is important to get tested regularly if you sexually active with multiple partners. Genital wart treatment is available in an effective cream that is infused with green tea oil. This cream works well to eliminate the painful bumps and the irritating burning that you may be feeling. Talk with your doctor today about this treatment for these warts.

It can be a useful treatment though in certain circumstances, including for pregnant women that want to avoid chemicals potentially harmful to their baby. There are also various home remedies such as apple cider vinegar, garlic, vitamin E, and tea tree oil. Homeopathic approaches are becoming more popular including products like Watrol that contain a mix of natural substances. Seek advice and learn what you can about the condition and the underlying virus that causes it. With a little help, you should be able to adopt a genital wart treatment that will work effectively to relieve your symptoms.

Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.

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