Hpv And Genital Warts: Why They Are Common But Highly Contagious

HPV is one of the ever-growing infectious diseases in the world. The percentage rate is higher in adults and almost 30 percent among the 100 types of Human Papilloma Virus is sexually transmitted. HPV infection oftentimes has no symptoms and eventually heals itself. Nonetheless, HPV causes negative Pap test to some person that may lead other problems such as genital warts and worst genital cancer.

This virus is contagious and can be spread to other people. Not only can a person get a wart if they touch another person with one, but they can also get it from the simple act of drying their hands off with a towel that an infected person used. They are also passed through sexual contact. This type is highly contagious and if left untreated can cause major health issues such as cervical cancer. Many times, in mostly women, this can be passed between sexual partners without either partner knowing it.

This infection infects both sexes; in women it appears inside and outside of the vagina, around the anus and may extend to the cervix and uterus. Frequently genital warts are common in men and the cluster of masses appear on the tip of the penis, sometimes on the shaft extended to the scrotum and anus. Persons who engaged in oral sex with an infected partner may develop genital warts in the mouth and throat.

The risk of acquiring HPV is not guaranteed by using condom, likewise genital warts may disappear without treatment that is why it is better to undergo examination and treatment if you suspect you are infected. the warts look like pinkish or white small bumps in the genital area and some are hardly seen because it appears so tiny. Sometimes even doctors cannot identify it at first glance that they may use acetic acid to make the warts turn white. Colposcope is another method to identify effectively that you have warts.

HPV infection is the most widespread sexually transmitted disease today. Millions of people have the disease and those who don’t develop genital warts don’t even know they have it. As a result, they inadvertently spread the disease to other people. Since this disease is transmitted through anal, oral or vaginal sex, the genital area is commonly affected. However, be aware that all types of skin-to-skin contact could also result in contracting the virus, so using a condom would not lessen the risk of becoming infected.

Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.

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