How To Treat A Symptom of Mononucleosis

Mono, also known as the kissing disease can be very dangerous and should be carefully treated. Mono the kissing disease is called that because it is often spread through saliva and close contact often made in sexual positions. Mono is most common in middle school and high school aged people.

The confusing factor about the disease is the nature of the symptoms of mononucleosis that very much resemble those of a common flu. During the first few days the symptoms of mononucleosis will include persistent fatigue, severe headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, fever and muscle pains. In the beginning most people would be sure they are dealing with a flu. However, if those conditions persist for more than ten days, one is likely to be facing the symptoms of mononucleosis.

These white blood cells actually attack red blood cells that are infected by the herpes type virus that causes the mononucleosis symptom of tiredness. Red blood cells are needed to fulfill all the functions of a healthy body.
White blood cells are needed to attack and to kill invading virus organisms. When the body is fighting an attack by an invading organism, it will signal a shut down of activity and actually initiate fatigue. The body needs to concentrate all of its internal functions into destroying the invading viral attack.

There is no treatment or drug for the kissing disease mono, however, because it is a cold based virus it will usually go away after it has run its course. Each individual symptom may be treated by getting plenty of bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, gargling warm salt water and using cough drops. Tylenol which contains acetaminophen or Ibuprofen may be taken to help control any fever.

A valuable natural solution in treatment mononucleosis, is sleeping and rest. The less activity and more rest will aid in fighting off the viral infection. The fatigue you may feel during treatment mononucleosis can be overwhelming especially if the person is highly active in school, sports, or work. If you are not used to resting room darkening shades, or even reading a book, or working on a needlework will help you relax and remain quiet during the treatment mononucleosis.

Mono the kissing disease is a serious illness that can be very dangerous if left untreated. If you think that you might have mono you should not hesitate and go visit a doctor. Be safe and be healthy!

Do you want to learn more info about symptoms for mononucleosis – Mononucleosis Symptoms, then visit our site and read more about Kissing Diseases.

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