How to tone your body using pilates ball exercises

There are many individuals who are avid pilates followers since this exercise gives many benefits such as strong core, toned muscles, leaner bodies and balance. Aside from professional athletes, dancers and celebrities, an ordinary individual can learn pilates in a short period of time.

This article would elaborate further on the important role of a Reformer in acquiring that Pilates sculpted body.Aside from the high price, busy individuals do not have the time to attend pilates class because they need to work. The best alternative that they have is do some pilates ball exercises at home during their free time. Once you have a Swiss ball and a pilates mat, you can follow the pilates ball exercises given below: Basic Abdominal curls Set the pilates mat on the floor. Lie on your back and carefully roll the ball under your knees.
Instead, it is a type of exercise where you must focus your mind to control body movements. Aside from the mental requirements needed to perform Pilates, there are some traditional equipment that Pilates health buffs must familiarize themself with. This important pilates exercise equipment is known as the Reformer.

Technically, the reformer is known as the Universal reformer or the rack. Picture your self squeezing in a contraption that occupies 3 by 8 foot space which is not really that big. Place your hands behind your head with elbows extended wide. Start inhaling and as you exhale, round your head and shoulders to lift them off the mat. Inhale again while looking at your thighs then exhale and return to the mat. Focus on the breathing and do the routine slowly.

The Hundred Basically, this is a core pilates mat work that every beginner must execute well. The purpose of this exercise is to wake up the body and warm it up for harder routines later. Simply lie on your back and put the ball under your knees. Remember to curl your head and shoulders lifting them up from the mat. Stretch your arms at hip level and move your arms as if your beating the floor. The arms must move constinuously move upward and downward while breathing for five counts. Repeat the procedure for ten breaths. Execute ten times.

The Roll Up Start by lying down on your back. Now, hold the ball between your hands and place it over your head. Slowly raise your arms to the ceiling. and gently roll all the way up reaching the balls under your knees. Remember to always curl your head and shoulders as you roll your way up. Slowly roll back to your starting position and lie down with your arms reaching out. Perform 6-8 times.

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