How To Tear Up Your Midsection And Get Leaner
Are you making one of the three big mistakes in the gym preventing you from getting a lean stomach? If you are looking for the answer on how to get abs quickly then you will be surprised at the simplicity of the biggest three errors people make on a daily basis with the training routine.
If you have ambitions of achieving a solid six pack, you need to cover these three bases first:
1. Your stomach is not one muscle, it is three. Hit them all in tandem.
2. There is no need for 2000 crunches, keep it simple.
3. Contract the muscle as you perform each exercise, otherwise it isn’t working.
Should you get past all three errors above, you are on the right track. But most individuals fall at the very first hurdle. They target their upper abdominal muscles with an exercise such as crunches, but that is all they do. This results in an unbalanced look.
By constantly hitting the upper abs, you end up with a very unbalanced six pack, one which clearly displays definition up top but visibly fades away after the first two muscles and displays no obliques at all.
If you want to get an appealing, well developed abdominal area then try today’s full workout:
1. Crunches with feet on an exercise ball x 20
2. Reverse crunch x 20
3. Knee-touch-crunches x 20
You will increase the burn significantly by doing this as a circuit instead of straight working sets. So move from one exercise to the next without pausing. You can stop for 2 minutes’ rest when the round is over, i.e. when you have pushed out 60 reps.
Intensity is key to the success of your workouts. Training your midsection is no different here, so keep the intensity level turned up to achieve superior fat loss results.
It is very easy to get caught up in bland, boring workouts for muscles which do not provide the same ego-boosting stimulus as biceps, chest and shoulders. This is why many men neglect training their legs and do very dull midsection workouts, but the fact is any muscle needs a reason to develop. If you keep hitting it with a boring, easy workout then it won’t force itself to change.
If you get your training intensity sorted out, you can get fantastic results in a very short space of time. Should you train abs with weight? This is not really necessary, providing you can keep your intensity level high. Today’s body weight circuit teaches you how to get abs with no fitness equipment and those who apply the techniques will see results from it.
You writer: You can learn how to get abs by watching the complete video guide from Russ Howe PTI. Russ is a TV-featured trainer who answers tough gym myths such as should you train abs with weight and more on his fitness and nutrition blog each week.