How To Properly Maintain A Bathroom

There’s this idea that the bathroom could be your gauge for the cleanliness of a home. It can easily become a place where bacteria can increase because it’s where people spend time to clean off themselves. Here are simple but useful ideas anyone could undertake to keep it clean for every household member’s health.

When it comes to the fixtures, a simple mixture of dish soap and white vinegar shall do the trick. Fill up a spray bottle with two parts water, one part white vinegar and a bit of liquid dish cleaning soap. The acidity of the vinegar will target the tough water and soap deposits. The soap, on the other hand, shall eradicate the streaks and dirt spots.

Just spray the solution onto the tiles and fixtures and wipe with a soft rag using circular strokes. When dealing with hardened grime or soap scum, use 100% white vinegar and leave on for a few minutes before wiping off with a rag. Another trick would be to dampen the rag with pure white vinegar and wipe over the area, doing so repeatedly until all traces of dirt are removed.

Remember to make use of a soft sponge when there is a need to scrub in order to prevent scratches on tub and sink surfaces. When cleaning mirrors, spray a mixture of one gallon lukewarm water and a 3rd of a cup of white vinegar. Wipe away mixture by using an old newspaper, paper towel or lint free cloth. Don’t forget to scrub drain covers so they can function well.

Regular and thorough clean ups is the key to keep your bathroom sparkling bright and spot-free. Do this as a weekly chore so there’ll be no build up of dust, mold and mildew on the fixtures, walls and floors. In between, implement a clean-as-you-go policy for every user so that the once-a-week task of tidying up and polishing shall be as effortless as possible. Make sure to rinse the surfaces with clean water and then dry them up after each use.

Click for further information on bathtub or bathroom accessories.

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