How To Overcome The Urge To Have Sugar

We all have a primal drive to find sugar. After all, sugar is the most efficient source of energy you can consume because it’s digested so quickly.

Unfortunately, having lots of dietary sugar spikes insulin which in turn can shut down fat burning.

So here is how to beat a sweet tooth that is making you gain weight:

1. Increase your eating frequency: By increasing your eating frequency you will prevent your blood sugar from dropping too low. This in turn will prevent you from having to endure extreme hunger pangs. And hunger pangs will drive you to eat sugar.

2. Use synthetic sugar sparingly: The main issue here is that nobody knows whether or not fake sugar is safe for long term consumption. Thus, the best advice for now is to not have more than a couple servings per day of fake sugar.

3. Increase protein intake: But don’t do it a la Atkins. You see, too much protein will create a lot of negative side effects within your body. Having said that, protein is the most satiating nutrient you can eat. Thus, it’s a good weapon for keeping hunger at bay.

4. Focus on changing your environment, not on controlling your will power: It’s infinitely easier to change your environment than it is to constantly control your will power. And research has shown that will power is like a muscle. You can only work it so much before it gives in.

5. Take stimulants: But please stay away from overpriced weight loss pills. Instead, focus on natural stimulants like loose leaf green tea and loose leaf yerba mate. These stimulants can give you a natural rise and will block your desire for sugar.

6. Address negative emotions: Sugar causes increases in dopamine, a chemical in your brain that provides a sense of security. Thus, many people are in the unfortunate circumstance of using sugar to appease negative emotions.

Eating a lot of sugar will make it very hard for you to get in shape. So take action here right now if you are currently at the mercy of a sweet tooth!

Writer Katherine Crawford, an exercise expert and recent flabby arms sufferer, instructs on how to firm up your arms. Figure out how to get sexy arms by exploring her blog with advice on how to get rid of saggy arm flab now!

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