How to Not Consume Too Much Electricity Each Day

Compared to other nations in the world, the US squanders electrical energy the most. Planet Earth is facing very crucial issues like pollution and the loss of the ozone layer so it is imperative that we do our best to conserve energy and, in turn, save our environment.

In this article, we are going to talk about a few things that we all can do to not just save power but save a little money too. These are very easy things that any person can do, you merely need to make the decision to do them in order to help our environment and ourselves.

The first thing you can do is to simply turn off the lights each time you exit the room. A lot of people tend to leave leave lights on in a room when they know they will be coming right back, possibly in ten or fifteen minutes. If you do this for just a few times every day, it could add up to at the least 30 minutes of squandered electricity. Even though it may not look like much, the truth is millions of people are doing the exact same thing day in and day out. And every individual who does this is wasting 182 hours of electrical energy each year for merely this one light. Let’s assume that we actually leave the lights on for approximately 182 hours each year and let’s multiply that by one million people. That’s 182 million hours of electrical power squandered annually coming from a light that is left on in one room.

Besides leaving the lights on when going out of a room, many of us switch the lights on when entering a room. This has become second nature to a lot of people. I know I am guilty of doing this quite a bit often. Nonetheless, there could be adequate light, perhaps sunlight, coming into a room. You are going to nonetheless come in and switch the light on. And on top of that, because of the natural light filtering in, we forget we switched the room light on in the first place and leave it on for the rest of the day. You should make a calculated effort to leave the lights flipped off if there is enough natural light in a room.

One more problem is people leaving electronic devices like televisions and radios turned on the entire day, even when they are not using them. When I go visit my mother, I have to remind her to turn the television off since she would leave it running even though she’s not watching. This is a huge waste of electrical energy. So, if you are not watching the telly, just flip it off.

These are simply some really easy tips that can go a long way to conserve power and help save our planet. If everyone makes just a tiny effort to do these very simple things, it can add up to make a big difference.

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