How To Maintain A Lifeguard Equipment

Lifeguards are trained to have that level of alertness to serve and safeguard people anytime. Yet, not having the ideal equipment, they won’t be capable of take charge and perform operation successfully and definitely, they won’t be given the responsibility without the things that they need beforehand. That’s the key reason why when you see lifeguards around, they’re fully packed with the correct gear and equipment. In addition, this also enables them to apply what they’ve picked up in their training and see how beneficial it is in real life. Now, if you want to be a lifeguard yourself but you don’t have idea about these yet then these are some basic suggestions and directions on utilizing lifeguard equipment which can help you pass the test immediately.

Prior to mounting the post, it’s vital to verify all the equipment first to do the job correctly. Don’t forget to have a whistle on a lanyard, first aid kit plus a save tube. Look at if the whistle is long enough to be listened to above the noise. Also, emergency first aid kit will include CPR breathing mask, alcohol wipes and gloves while the rescue tube must be in good repair with its neck strap safely attached. Have your equipment correctly put in its most beneficial usage. Whistle must be around the neck for immediate access while taking the emergency first aid kit in a handy pack. Glide the strap of the safeguard tube over one shoulder if you’re standing on a deck. Hold the tube on the midsection of your body. If not if you’ll be seated then the tube should be held horizontally across your lap every time and so the strap is freely folded in your hand to ensure it won’t catch on the chair during a rescue water entry.

Understanding the whistle: Hold the whistle on one hand while surveying areas of the water. When there’s a swimmer found acting unsafely then it’s time to blow one short blast to get his attention then follow up with the verbal warning. If you saw that the swimmer didn’t cease the unsafe behavior then utilize the whistle to incite with the prearranged code which happens to be usually three short blasts. When there seem to need an emergency situation for water save then stand up from your post and blow one long loud blast before entering the water. This may alert other lifeguards that a safeguard is in progress.

Strategies For the emergency first aid kit: Always wear gloves when administering first aid from the emergency first aid kit. If there’s a swimmer that assumes respiratory arrest then put the CPR respiration mask over to the victim’s nose and mouth then manage the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation afterwards. Making Use Of the rescue tube: For pool side rescue, it’s suggested to kneel down and extend the save tube toward the victim/swimmer having difficulty reaching to the pool side. Once he grabs the safeguard tube on, gently pull safely. For water save, have the tube lightly to your torso to remain head above water while creating a running entry from the pool deck or jumping in from lifeguard chair. Get the floater tucked securely across your chest securely across your chest and held on one arm. Kick and stroke your way to the victim and when you reach and grab the victim, maintain the tube sandwiched between you both.

The buoyancy of the tube will support the victim’s head above water. When underwater, use the save tube to bring you and the submerged victim to the surface. Once you have entered the water, make sure that you maintain a firm hold on the end of save tube’s strap as you submerge to get to the victim. After that, pull the tube with you just under the surface to hold the victim beneath the arms then push off toward the surface but still holding the strap. Ease pressure on the strap until you get the victim’s head above water. After you have surfaced, hold the tube between you and the victim then transport to the pool side.

Do you want to save lives using your swimming expertise? Expand your lifeguard training by joining certified programs from Lifeguard Training University today.

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