How To Increase The Amount Of Fat Your Body Can Burn So You Can Get In Shape Faster

Although weight loss is ultimately controlled by calories in versus calories out, you need to have a holistic approach for the best results.

Unfortunately, many fat loss hopefuls lose sight of other things that can enhance their results.

So here are some additional aspects to focus on:

1. Eat every couple of hours: This may sound extreme, but it will make life much easier for you. And keep in mind that it will also increase your productivity because you will have more energy. So focus on increasing how many times you eat.

2. Measure your food for at least one week: This will help you assess portion sizes for your particular body. You see, in modern culture it’s most likely for portion sizes to be overestimated. This readjustment process will get you closer to your goal.

3. Avoid shakes and powders: The only time you should consider having a protein and carbohydrate shake is right after resistance training. Otherwise, you will be best serving sticking with whole food. You see, whole food will keep insulin lower.

4. Exercise earlier in the day: This will elevate your metabolism for the rest of the day and it will increase the amount of carbohydrates getting shuffled away from your fat cells. If you exercise right before bed, on the other hand, you don’t get these benefits.

5. Reduce cardio if it’s interfering with your resistance training: Resistance training is the holy grail of fat loss. You see, resistance training does a great job at increasing the amount of calories your body burns outside of the gym.

6. Double your vegetable intake: Although this may sound overly simple to you, it’s very effective for enhancing fat loss and reducing hunger. Not only do vegetables keep insulin low, but they also increase bulk in your stomach.

Anything you can do to slightly increase fat loss will help you reach your goal faster. So take action here before you forget about the advice!

Author Katherine Crawford, an exercise physiologist and former flabby arms sufferer, instructs on how to lose arm fat. Figure out how to get sexy arms by exploring her blog with advice on how to lose arm fat now!

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