How to Identify Various Warning signs of Depression

Depression is often a complicated illness that makes the patient deeply sad, disheartened, anxious and fatigued. Some of the main warning signs of depression are continuous feelings of sadness and hopelessness. These signs are experienced by millions of people every day. Numerous scientific studies indicate that a big number of these people have no idea about the seriousness of the challenge that affects them and as a result fail to seek treatment.

And though every person, for diverse reasons, feels sad or down at one point or other in their lives, the depressive feelings caused by depression can appear without cause and continue for long periods of time. Someone who experiences such feelings for a period that exceeds two weeks is very likely to be suffering from depression.

In addition to this there are numerous other signs of depression which include self-hate and low self-esteem, general apathy in most activities, chronic pain and unceasing feelings of low energy. Therefore, before any type of treatment is initiated correct diagnosis of the symptoms needs to be performed by certified mental health specialists. Accurate diagnostic procedures are vital because they help determine whether the sufferer has depression or merely undergoing a phase of the ‘blues’.

Any person who persistently experiences the following signs for at least two weeks ought to consult with their health practitioner for treatment. * Extreme misery, desolation and misery * Worthlessness or inability to feel emotions * Lack of ability to experience joy in virtually every activity. * Altered eating patterns which are evidenced with food yearnings or repulsions to certain foods. Appetite also increases or diminishes and result in sudden weight change. * Disturbed sleep cycles evidenced in reduced sleep or oversleeping. * Inability to stay relaxed and calm * Low mental and physical energy levels and endless exhaustion * Strong and unrelenting feelings of guilt, shame and worthlessness * Uncontrollable anxiety, worrying and panic * Significant decline in mental capabilities for performing processes such as paying attention, making decisions, cognition and memory * Thoughts of death or suicidal tendencies * Unexplainable bodily aches and pains * Digestive tract complications e.g. bloating, * Low hygiene standards and self-neglect

An individual showing a significant number of the above symptoms is very likely suffering from a form of depression. Moreover as mentioned earlier, initiating treatment or therapy before consulting with relevant health experts can at times result in unpleasant consequences. Patients should recognize that there are always high chances of recovery once the recommended treatment process is initiated. This is irrespective of the causes or levels of intensity of the different signs of depression present.

Learn more about signs of depression. Stop by where you can find out all about the differentwarning signs of depression and how to deal with them.

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