How To Help Your Community

The ideal society would mean no more warfare, no more tribulation, no more poverty and no more harassment. Sad to say, but we are not living in a perfect humanity. At least not yet. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Demonstrably, there are people who still need to go to work and toil day and night just to provide food for the table or to send the kids to good schools. Although, we are different and we have differences, it is basic that each of us do our part and build up the community. By reaching out and serving others, we can make a difference. Following are creative things that we can do to influence people and to help the people in our community live a comfortable and happy life.

Put Up Garage Sales For A Cause Garage sales are very desirable for profit or non profit. Aside from making others happy, we can also benefit from a cleaner and more orderly room that will become after sorting out all the stuff to donate. To begin, find a good cause to dedicate to. Get 3 boxes and label accordingly. Write the following labels: First box: things to stay. Second box: things to donate. Third box: things to throw away.

Go through old drawers and cabinets and find reusable clothes. Drop them to their correct boxes. But, throw away those shabby apparel that are no longer wearable or use them as rugs. Check the condition of the dresses in the second box, if they are still saleable. Besides garments, find other items that can be added to the sale like old books, lanterns, table and other cool stuff that are still functional.

After sorting everything, designate a date for the sale. Ask contacts if they want to volunteer. On the day of the sale, put a box for monetary donations. The donation box is for those who are not interested to buy, but would like to extend help through monetary support. Put up paper chain to tell everyone about the garage sale. After the garage sale, give the money to the chosen cause. Brng also those stuff that were not bought and donate them.

Healthy And Entertaining Soup Kitchen Malnutrition and poverty are 2 of the largest problems we are facing nowadays. Ideally, we should be eating good balanced diet thrice a day. Sorry to say, not al can spare to eat a good meal. One way to extend help is to organize a soup kitchen. Find people who are enthusiastic to help in this mission. Meet up and share inventive thoughts. Pick a date and plan the menu. List the group of people who will benefit from the soup kitchen feeding program. It can be the kids in the bordering orphanage or the group of sick children in the hospital. Find organizations and groups willing to help in the endeavorl. To make the soup kitchen fun and lively, ask friends and family members to sing a song or prepare a dance number. There are groups of medical practitioners who are willing to help in proceeds and community work, ask them for their assistance. They can check the kids’ health while those in charge of the soup kitchen are giving out bowls of soups and other nutritional food.

In the present day, people are learning to give and to reach out. Giving is not all about money. We can dedicate our time, assistance and talents to make others feel that they are not alone. By being unselfish we are giving back to the community and making a difference today.

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