How To Have A Strong Back – Upper Back Exercises You Need To Try

The weight of the upper body is supported by the back which is why it has to be strong so it can carry out its work unhindered. The upper back muscles also need toning up even though people would focus on strengthening their lower back. A well toned back looks good and helps in maintaining correct posture. Performing some upper back exercises is a great way to strengthen the upper back. Keep reading to learn some of the effective upper back exercises.

Upper Back Exercises

A well-toned upper body is what women would rather have while men would rather have a muscular back. When it comes to upper back exercises, dumbbell rows and dumbbell pullovers are effective.

An Overview of a Dumbbell Pullover

Here, you are required to have a narrow workout bench. Lie down with your upper back and neck supported by the workout bench and your head leaning over to one end. One leg should be placed on either side of the bench and firmly place your feet on the ground. The dumbbell should be lifted over your face with the arms stretched out. The dumbbell should then be slowly lowered over your head in an arc, hold, then bring it back to the original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

Holding the dumbbell with bent arms is also a variation of this upper back exercise. Bend the elbows then slowly lower the dumbbell over your head in an arc, hold, then pull back the dumbbell gently to original position. Initially do five repetitions and gradually raise the count to fifteen.

An Overview of a Dumbbell Row

With your left leg on the bench and the right foot placed firmly on the floor, place the dumbbell on the right side of the bench. Leaning forward, place the left hand on the bench in front of the body. Are you sure your back is in a horizontal position? Pick up the dumbbell then slowly raise your arm upwards until the upper arm is in level with your upper body then hold, taking back your arm to the original position afterwards. Five repetitions are what you should start off with then gradually, you can raise the count to fifteen. Now, with the left arm, repeat the exercise.

These upper back exercises are a great way to build a strong upper back that add to the ‘V’ shape of the body.

Try these power lifting exercises to maximize your strength.

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