How to Greatly Improve Your Skateboard Tricks

The hesitation to totally be in the zone when doing a trick is probably the most common reason why skateboarders fall on their faces while doing a trick.

Some of the reasons why this happens is when you hesitate on the take off because you recall how much pain it caused to fall the last time. Sometimes you suddenly become concerned in mid trick. And then there is the lack of confidence in doing the trick in the first place. Despite the fact that you can really mess up in sports, here are some suggestions on how to lessen your falls.

Progression is the name of the game when it comes to skateboarding. What this means for you is that you have to slowly build up your skills to be good. One such example of this is trying to master a bad ollie. You have to be good at this so that you don’t hurt yourself. And the best way to learn how to do it is to study how the professionals do it.

Watch the professional skateboarders closely and see how they move. Study their crouch and how their feet are positioned on the board. Look closely and you’ll see that they pull their knees back hard so that the board pops. They do this as they try to also keep their shoulders level. For me, I always try to pop the board as hard as I can. I just keep doing this even if I often fail.

Once in a while, you can really lose hold of yourself in the middle of a trick. This can be because you are so focused on the new trick or that you are thinking of beating someone else at skateboarding. Whatever the reason, the best thing you should do is to constantly be breaking down the trick into small steps until you figure out how you land. You can save yourself a lot of hurt by avoiding a do or die style of thinking. Keep rehearsing the trick until you get it right.

The next thing you should do is work on your hesitation when you launch. At this point, this is where you can start to fail. Often, you could probably lose your focus or you can be in the middle of over thinking the trick and you end up falling over. The thing that you have to concentrate on is to focus and be optimistic and be sure that you are fully committed to the trick.

It can be smart to also try to get out of a trick if you think you can get hurt. For example, you can be going down a hill but you don’t have control yet. This is not really a good idea to do but sometimes it is good to fall so you can get used to falling. Once you commit to your tricks, you fall less and falling less makes it all the more fun.

Thanks. If you would like to know more about longboards, drop by our website that is focused in selling Krown Longboards and Loaded Longboards.

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