How To Get Your Mind On The Right Track For Better Fitness

If you don’t have an action plan to maintain your motivation while trying to lose weight, you will fail. It really doesn’t matter how well you diet or how hard you exercise.

The bad news here is that most weight loss hopefuls forget about their motivational strategy.

So here is how to get your mind on the right track:

1. Measure what you are doing: You need to have some type of measurement system for your progress. If you don’t, you will tend to overlook what you have done as you look back on your journey. In the absence of objective records, you will always shorthand yourself.

2. Avoid perfectionism: From business to nature, the top performers have the highest rates of failure. You see, paradoxically, the more you fail the higher your chances of success are. So don’t think you should have a perfect journey.

3. Manipulate your environment before manipulating your behavior: This simple adjustment can literally make or break your progress. It’s much easier to change your environment than it is to change yourself. This has been proven time and again by multiple studies.

4. Have massive goals: Although your short term expectations need to be realistic, your endpoint should be huge. You see, small goals lead to small amounts of action. However, massive goals lead to massive amounts of action.

5. Don’t use a whip, use a carrot: This strategy will make it very easy for you to get moving. You see, people that whip themselves into action find out that they eventually lose the will to move forward. You are far better off running towards something positive.

6. Don’t take small steps: Small steps and small amounts of action will lead to mediocre results. If you want fast results you have to take giant steps. Now you should hold back if you start to feel overwhelmed. But more often than not people don’t push themselves hard enough.

A solid plan for long term motivation is a critical component for long term success. So don’t just sit on this information, take action now!

Author Katherine Crawford, an exercise expert and recent flabby arms sufferer, instructs on how to do arm exercises for women. Figure out how to get sexy and toned arms by exploring her blog with advice on how to lose arm fat now!

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