How to Get Rid of Dreaded Stretch Marks

Most scars on our body can be avoided if we are really careful. If you do not engage in rough activities and are always careful when in dangerous places, there is little chance that scars will form. In contrast to regular scars, stretch marks are more often than not unavoidable. This is because these usually forms early in our life in our adolescent years.

When the skin of the body is stretched beyond its normal capacity, which often happens during periods of growth and hormonal imbalance, the dermal layer of the skin tears. At first, reddish marks will appear and over time, they will gradually fade in color. Sometimes, they can fade away but most of the time, some scars remain and these are what we refer to as stretch marks.

There are various ways to get rid of such marks. Some would prefer undergoing procedures such as laser surgery or dermabrasion to get rid of them instantly. Others opt to use creams which cost a lot cheaper but will take a longer time for them to see significant effects.

One of the best ways to remove these scars is by laser surgery. The laser is used to burn the remaining scar tissue left by the damage in your skin. When this is removed, new cells are able to regenerate and fill up the space left by the scar tissue. This is a rather quick procedure but sometimes, several sessions may be needed to fully get rid of any remaining marks. Dermabrasion on the other hand, removes the outermost layer of the skin, which includes the scar. After removal, the skin is again allowed to regenerate new cells to replace the removed outermost layer.

Removal creams work by stimulating cell regeneration, while also providing a lightening effect so that scars will be less visible. But some creams may have negative side-effects especially if you are pregnant, so be sure to consult with a dermatologist first before using any removal cream. A safer alternative to creams is cocoa butter as it provides similar results as creams but contains no artificial chemicals.

Another option that you can do if you don’t want to spend any money at all is to use make up to cover these marks. With the right kind of make up, these scars can be covered up nicely without anyone suspecting otherwise. Using clothing to cover up these marks may also be an option.

The best way to get rid of stretch marks is to prevent them from ever forming in the first place. Some are unavoidable as they may form during your adolescent years while you are growing rapidly. But some for example, may be pregnant and are expecting their belly to rapidly increase in size. To prevent marks from forming, one can apply cocoa butter to moisturize the area and eat the right kinds of food which will prevent scars from forming.

There are many ways to get rid of scars and marks on the body. It is up to you to decide on which methods best suits your preference and spending capacity. Whatever your choice may be, you won’t have to worry about those annoying stretch marks ever again.

Learn more about stretch mark cream reviews and best stretch mark cream.

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