How to Gain Massive Amounts of Muscle

Eat enough food. One of the reasons many people fail to gain muscle mass is simply because they don’t eat enough. If you want to build muscle, you need to be taking in more calories than your body is using. One pound is equal to 3500 calories, so if your goal was to gain 10 lbs of muscle, you would need to eat an excess of 35,000 calories over the course a week, or month, or whatever time you set for your goal.

You must have a plan. “Failing to plan is planning to fail” is a saying first attributed to the late, great Benjamin Franklin. I don’t think he was talking about bodybuilding when he said this, but he might as well had been. No matter what your goals are, whether you only want to gain 5 or 10 lbs, or if you want to put on 30 lbs of muscle in 4 months, you are not going to achieve it by simply working out here and there and eating whatever you want. Results like these are the consequences of a well thought out and detailed plan of action.

Don’t Over train – This is probably one of the most common mistakes that flat line peoples results. It has been said that your muscles don’t grow while you are in the gym, they grow while they are resting, and that statement couldn’t be more true. Many folks will begin a training routine and see some initial results, but after a month or two they will stop seeing progress. Unfortunately, lots of people quit because of this, but if they only knew that if they rested an extra day in between workouts, their results would skyrocket.

A great tip that everybody knows, but surprisingly few people actually do is to eat a nice healthy meal or consume a high quality protein drink right after your workout. There are numerous benefits to doing this. For example, if done properly it can have a boosting effect on the testosterone levels in your body and can also decrease the levels of cortisol. If you don’t take advantage of this small window of time to give your muscles what they need to grow, then they will take longer to heal and you simply will delay any results that you are after.

A helpful tip to keep things from getting mundane is to try some different exercises every now and then. It is important to note that this is simply to keep you from getting bored and not because you need to fool your muscles into a new growth spurt. That is one of the most ridiculous myths out there regarding building muscle. In fact, it is common sense, but not common knowledge that the only way to get your muscles to grow bigger is to make them lift heavier weights. If you’re not lifting a heaver load, then there is no reason for your muscle to grow and adapt.

Learn more about how to naturally build muscle. Check out this highly informative site where you can find out all about how to stick to a muscle building routine and build massive amounts of muscle.

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