How to Cope with Morning Sickness Symptoms

There are a lot of different morning sickness symptoms but you would be hard pressed to find one that you like. Nausea and Vomiting are the most common symptoms and that makes it very difficult to keep food in your stomach. This can be dealt with by paying attention to your diet and not eating the foods that tend to set off your symptoms. Aside from this, there are quite a few other possible morning sickness symptoms, some of which we’ll be looking at here.

Women experiencing morning sickness symptoms typically have a heightened sense of smell. Of course this is not good news because you may have a different tolerance level for unpleasant odors that you normally would. Whereas before, you may have made a face if the garbage hadn’t been taken out, now you may actually throw up from the smell. The only remedy for this symptom is staying away from those things that bother you the most in any way that you can. You might try doing a whole house aromatherapy with candles or essential oils to help with this symptom. Try using peppermint oil, candy or other source for settling your stomach, soothing your nose, and easing your symptoms of morning sickness.

Along with the nausea and vomiting some women will have muscle cramps, usually isolated in their back. Of course while you are pregnant if these cramps become sever, consult with your doctor to determine how to alleviate the pain.

Headaches are common symptoms of morning sickness. Many times you will find that along with a headache you will have the symptoms of nausea and discomfort. One challenge women face when pregnant is knowing what medications are safe to take. Birth defects and other problems have been linked to both aspirin and ibuprofen, so the current belief is that they should be avoided. Many believe that Tylenol containing acetaminophen is considered safe.

One morning sickness symptom that isn’t very common but is usually disturbing is pica–the urge to eat non-food things. Pregnancy commonly causes increased appetites as well as cravings and odd food aversions. In some cases, however, there are cravings to eat inedible substances. This can be almost anything, from dirt to paper to pencils. There are some theories about this and one of them includes the idea that the body is trying to make up for a deficiency in its nutrition. If you have this, talk to your doctor and resist the urge to eat strange items, as this could be dangerous, especially when you’re pregnant. Pica is not a regular morning sickness symptom but it can happen so don’t be freaked out if it happens to you–just get help for it. Your morning sickness symptoms should start to fade away by the fourth month of pregnancy. Yet it can seem like a very long time if you are walking around feeling sick much of the day. You may find some relief in herbal remedies but a simple diet change and lots of rest is all it takes. You may not realize it but these symptoms are felt by most women and of course they are not fun.

On Holistic Home Fitness we look at a range of alternative therapies as well as a whole body approach to fitness, health and diet.

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