How to Clear Abundance Blockages

If you’ve tried attracting abundance with the Law of Attraction, you probably know that there are a lot of potential abundance blockages that can delay your progress. Attracting abundance requires you to keep your thoughts focused on abundance rather than scarcity, and you need to stay focused on the abundant lifestyle you are trying to create. But there are a few common abundance blockages that can still hold you back even if you do these things. Below are a few common abundance blockages that can hold you back from creating the abundance you want.

The first common abundance blockage is a “victim mentality”. You may be so used to “being wronged” (financially and otherwise) that you can’t align your new abundant mindset with this negative self-perception. You WANT to be abundant, you want to be successful, you want to be wealthy, but you also have a strong victim identity and you don’t know how to let go of it. Money is heavily tied into this victim mindset; you keep manifesting financial “disasters” that keep you feeling powerless and victimized.

Overcoming this blockage requires you to start changing the way you see yourself. That doesn’t mean going into a state of denial about the things that have gone wrong for you in the past, but it does mean learning to see yourself in a different light NOW. When you start seeing yourself as a person who is fortunate, abundant, and blessed in many ways, you start dissolving that old victim mentality. As a result, you start becoming the person who attracts great abundance and opportunities instead of crises and problems.

Still another common abundance blockage is the fear of what other people will think of you if you become abundant. You might worry that your family, friends and coworkers would be jealous or resentful of you, or that they may even reject you altogether. You might also worry that some of the people you know would become demanding, asking for money all the time, and you want to avoid being in that situation, so you block abundance from coming to you. To your subconscious mind, being broke and safe feels better than being abundant and vulnerable!

This blockage stems from a fear that you won’t be able to handle the pressure of being wealthy. To overcome this blockage, you need to start seeing yourself as a confident person who doesn’t need validation from other people; someone who is proud to be who you are and doesn’t care if other people are jealous or demanding. You need to start seeing yourself as a person who handles large sums of money responsibly and can easily manage the situations that may arise from having more money. You can even “practice” handling some of the situations that make you uncomfortable by visualizing them. See yourself managing your money easily; see yourself feeling strong and confident even if other people are judging you. Over time, your inner strength grows and you no longer feel so intimidated about the idea of having more money.

The next common abundance blockage comes from being invested in strain and struggle. You may WANT to allow abundance to flow easily to you, but deep down inside you believe that money can’t come easily; you have to work really hard, struggle, strain, and sacrifice for money. As long as you are holding this belief, you simply won’t allow abundance into your life – unless it comes in a difficult, strenuous way.

Overcoming this blockage requires you to start developing a belief that money CAN come easily to you. You won’t be able to adopt this belief instantly; it takes time and consistent reinforcement. But one good way to start working on it is by constantly repeating to yourself, “I believe in EASY ABUNDANCE. I believe that money can come EASILY to me. I’m looking forward to allowing more money in EASY, FUN ways.” As you keep saying these things and focusing on the essence of easy abundance, you start dissolving your belief that money can’t come easily. And of course, once money DOES start coming to you in easy, fun ways, you start believing it a whole lot more!

Make sure you aren’t being held back by the #1 abundance blockage! It holds back virtually everyone when they first start working with the Law of Attraction. Find out if you are being held back by this common problem, and if so, how to overcome it quickly at

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