How To Care For Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be problematic, especially during the transition period of seasons. As the skin becomes more sensitive, problems like dryness, spot and itch may appear when the weather or season is changing. Professional advices fro sensitive during seasonal transition are to keep out of cosmetic products and take proper skin care procedures.

Applying toner and replenishing moisture to skin are essential to sensitive skin. When you have cleansed your face, you should immediately follow by applying toner and lotion. If you find your skin is sensitive to most of the products available in the market, you can make your own natural toner. Here are two natural toner recipes for you.

To make the aloe vera toner you need a piece of aloe vera and 5ml of glycerin. Put the aloe vera in a juicer to extract the aloe vera juice. Mix the aloe vera juice and glycerin well and contain it with a spray bottle. Spray the toner onto your face after cleansing or whenever you feel needed. This homemade toner not only helps replenish moisture but also soothes your sensitive skin.

Another toner recipe is rose water. Get 3 tea spoons of dried rose petal, 10ml of glycerin and 100ml of distilled water. First, heat the distilled water in a saucepan. Add the flower petals to the water and keep heating for 3 to 5 minutes. Take the flower solution and mix well with the glycerin. Apply to your face after cleansing with patting action. Rose water nourishes your skin and at the same time tightens your pores.

Moisturizing alone is inadequate. To have healthy skin, you also need to do a good job on sun blocking. The UV light from the sun is extremely damaging to (sensitive) skin. Over exposure under the sun causes your skin to be dry, dark, inelastic and sensitive.

To have your sensitive skin better protected, you should know how to choose the right sun block. Though sun block is extremely common and is widely available, not all types of sun block are suitable for sensitive skin. The easiest way to choose the right one is by looking for some important key words like allergy tested, fragrance free and clinically proved. To play safe, even you have one allergy tested sun block, you should test it yourself to see if it really causes no allergy on your skin. Apply a little amount of the sun block onto the inside of your arm or behind your ear. Discontinue the usage if you find any redness or allergy effect on those places.

If you have to work or play under the sun for a period of time, sun block alone may not be completely effective to protect your skin. You should wear a cap or use an umbrella to shield yourself from the sun.

Learn more about beauty and makeup, visit: how to apply false eyelashes Concealer

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