How to Attract Happiness Using The Law of Attraction? (I)

Many folks start to apply the Law of Attraction and “The Secret” to principally manifest material things. But , what about the pursuit of happiness and inner well-being? Can these concepts help us to manifest joy, health and wealth?

When folks hear “The Secret” and L. O. A for the 1st time, almost 90% of them think about how to draw in material things into their lives. A new automobile, new house, more cash, jewellery or possibly a new PC, are things that usually appear on dreams boards and visualizations. However what about people who have an interest in personal development? Who seek happiness, welfare or peace? Can “The Secret” help them?

The solution to that question is yes.

I suspect it is an angle that is usually left at the back in the daily practice of the Law of Attraction (Ley de Atraccion). Below we have answered some of the most typical questions we receive:

How to make use of the “The Secret” concepts ‘ to attract welfare, peace and happiness?

Well, let’s go step-by-step, first let’s review some key ideas to understand why “The Secret” is perfect for those seeking welfare and personal development.

2 Key Concepts of “The Secret” that can help you in your daily happiness:

1. “As above, so below. As within, so without” “The Secret” relies on the concept that our reality is simply a mirror of what we live, think and feel within. it is anticipated the better and more plentiful you are feeling within yourself, the more and easier (naturally and easy) it's going to reflect on your reality.

2. “Ask, believe and receive” Here we work with the ideas that help us a to develop our inner journey. ” Ask” means to understand clearly what you need, in this situation the emotions and sensations that we want to be part of us (confidence, happiness, joy, peace, love, etc …). Having defined our “spiritual objective”, the second step will be “Believe”. Here we must have faith that we will succeed, or even better, that we are succeeding, our trail may not extremely clear and/or simple nevertheless , eventually we will get there, and eventually “Receive”. It’s on the point of being terribly vigilant and have our eyes totally open for indications that may occur, these signs suggests that we're on track.

Given these lessons …

You want to know a lot more about The Secret ( El Secreto ) or learn about Personal Development (Desarrollo Personal). Come and visit us!

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