How Reishi Will Help You Handle Stress

Reishi Mushroomis a powerful adaptagen.There are certain sorts of herbs that may help us deal with stress, and handle stress more effectively and better. Essentially what an adaptagen does is it is going in and it modulates our access between the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and then the adrenals, which is what is controlling our stress reply, controlling our “fight or flight” reply. So what reishi goes in and does is says, OK, it'd take 5 units of stress to throw you into “fight or flight,” so lets bump that up to 7. Now it's going to take you 7 units of stress before you actually go into “fight or flight.” And when you go into “fight or flight,” rather than it lasting for five, 10 minutes, let’s shrink that down to two or three minutes.

So fundamentally you're able to handle more stress, and if you do stress, the method is much more effective and efficient so you are not in “fight or flight,” you are not in stress, you are not in adrenal fatigue for as long. So the full process might be like this when you start out, and then over the passage of time it starts to shrink down and shrink down and shrink down and get way smaller and much smaller until you actually get back to a point that is healthy. because we are not designed to be stressed all the time, we are not designed to be just tripping out and fretting about things all the time. We're intended to just be calm and relaxed, and then O.K, something is jumping out at us.

When we are stressed, we need to react. We want to get out of the situation, and then we want to go back to being calm. But most of us are living in a low-grade, adrenal fatigue of low-grade, “fight or flight” all the time, and we never get a chance to actually relax and just let that stress go.

So I can remember when I was about maybe 21 or so, maybe a little bit earlier–it was 2003, 2004. I would notice situations that would stress me out, and I didn’t realize it at the time that I was stressing, but I would feel a pain in my lower back. It would be kind of tingly and kind of hurt, and it would trickle and tingle all the way up to the back of my neck, and I would get kind of lightheaded and just feel really tense and anxious.

So after about a month of taking reishi on a regular basis, and I noticed the pains in my back started to go down, started to be less, and I noticed I started to feel more in the flow, more able to handle what was going on in the situations that were presenting themselves to me. What happened was I started taking it and I kept taking it on a regular basis–consistent basis–because I saw the benefits, and I knew how amazing it was. Eventually, the stress started to just melt away. My situation didn’t change, it actually got worse, but what happened was that my body changed, my biochemistry changed

I feel like reishi is one of the finest anti-stress herbs from my own private experience, both from what I have done and seen in my body, and also what I have seen from consulting and working with and coaching folks over the last 5 years. By

Brandon Daemon is a herbal expert, educator, and enthusiastic blogger who has dedicated his to continuous learning and education. You can discover more about reishi mushroom by going to

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