How A Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment Works

Dandruff is a common scalp problem affecting millions of people around the world. Visible flakes are usually caused by a dry scalp sloughing off dead skin cells, which are lifted off the scalp. If the problem is a mild case of dandruff due to a dry scalp, it can be easily resolved using a moisturizing shampoo and hot oil treatment. Stubborn dandruff, however, is more difficult to treat. Very often, it may not even be simple dandruff but seborrheic dermatitis, a type of chronic inflammatory scalp disorder that affects the scalp, some areas of the face, shoulders, chest and back where sebaceous or oil glands are present. An effective seborrheic dermatitis treatment can address this problem.

Seborrhea is linked to the presence of a type of lipophilic yeast known as Malassezia, specifically Pityrosporum ovale. It is believed that the inflammation, scaling and itchiness associated with this type of dandruff is the body’s response to the organism. This has yet to be proven, however, since P. ovale exists on every individual. As to why some people develop seborrhea while others do not has yet to be explained. It is also possible that the condition is caused by other factors such as the individual’s health, lifestyle, genes, hormones and pollutants.

A seborrheic dermatitis therapy ought to be developed to treat the type of scalp difficulty present, whether or not it is actually mild or serious. In most cases, the initial line of defense utilised as seborrheic dermatitis treatment is a single that targets Malassezia. Shampoos, creams and lotions that contain medicated ingredients are usually prescribed to help address the itching, oiliness and scaling from the scalp. A few of the most common active components in antifungal seborrheic dermatitis remedy include: pyrithione zinc, selenium sulfide, terbinafine, sodium sulfacetamide and azole agents. These ingredients function by inhibiting the development with the yeast, therefore aiding in minimizing the overproduction of oil and excessive skin cell turnover.

A seborrheic dermatitis treatment that addresses inflammation and redness usually involves using topical anabolic steroids, usually in cream form. They are recommended and thoroughly supervised through the skin doctor to avoid unwanted effects and possible tolerance, so limited contact with the medication to expect.

Correct use of seborrheic dermatitis treatments In mild cases, a seborrheic dermatitis treatment is used daily or every other day as a topical agent. If used in shampoo form, the product should be left on the scalp for about 5-10 minutes before rinsing off. Improvement in mild to moderate cases can usually be observed in 1 to 2 weeks or longer, depending on the individual. To prevent dryness of the hair, a seborrheic dermatitis treatment is usually supplemented by a moisturizing shampoo or conditioner. Continued use of the seborrheic dermatitis treatment is recommended during the maintenance phase to prevent future breakouts. Once seborrhea is managed, the seborrheic dermatitis treatment will only have to be used once or twice each week to prevent recurrence.

If you are suffering from seborrheic dermatitis or your baby is suffering from cradle cap, make sure you check out all of the seborrheic dermatitis treatment options that are available on the market.

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