Hemorrhoids Causes

Hemorrhoids are swelled or inflamed veins located in either the rectum or anus. Hemorrhoids causes extreme pain in an individual and symptoms of hemorrhoids can be increased with rubbing or scratching of the hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids causes vary by individual, but include obesity, prolonged sitting, hypertension, dehydration, or pregnancy. This article is dedicated hemorrhoids causes and home remedy solutions.

The first step to curing hemorrhoids is first easing the symptoms. Keeping the area clean and maintaining a healthy diet can help calm the painful hemorrhoids. Most additional discomfort comes from constipation, a good diet of fiber, fruits and veggies can lessen the pressure. In addition to cleaning the area, warm sitz baths and heating pads have been known to also relieve the swelling and itching.

The best hemorrhoid home remedy is a better diet. If your current diet lacks fiber, or if you do not drink enough water on a daily basis, constipation and hard stools can cause or aggravate a hemorrhoid. Healing is difficult when still suffering from constipation or painful stools, so taking water soluble fiber or drinking more water may be needed. Eating more vegetables, especially dark green colors like spinach and kale, will also help with hemorrhoids by softening the stool.

There are many products on the market that utilize witch hazel. Hemorrhoids are the three varicose veins inside the anus that swell during bowel movements and the various creams and solutions made up of the herb witch hazel go by several names. The usage instructions will vary with each individual type of witch hazel hemorrhoids treatment.

Hemorrhoid sufferers often seek treatments in a doctors office. A common procedure is banding hemorrhoids which will likely be considered by a doctor. Banding hemorrhoids involves the removal of hemorrhoids by placing a rubber band around it, effectively cutting off the blood supply. After a couple of weeks, the hemorrhoid will fall off. Unfortunately, banding hemorrhoids can cause several complications. These include infection, blood clots which will cause further problems with hemorrhoids, increased discomfort instead of pain relief, and excessive bleeding. These complications make many people wary of banding hemorrhoids.

Bleeding internal hemorrhoids can be removed with surgery, your doctor can help you decide if you need to have them taken out by cutting, or laser or even with a cauterizing procedure.
It may be that surgery will not be needed and one of the other treatments will serve just as well. There are chemical treatments avaliable that will shrink the bleeding internal hemorrhoid. There is also a treatment where a rubber band is placed on the base of the hemorrhoid that will cut off the blood supply and shrink the hemorrhoid.

Do you want to learn more on remedies for hemorrhoids – Cures For Hemorrhoids – Hemorrhoid Center – Treatment For Hemroids, then visit our site and read more about Hemorrhoids Causes,symptoms,Prevention,Treatment ??.

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