Have You Heard the Latest Celebrity Diet Trends? Look out for the Snookie Cookie Diet!

Wow! Just when you think you’ve heard it all in the celebrity diet world, there are even crazier diet trends that have celebs bouncing up and down on the scales!

Snookie recently embarked on the infamous cookie diet. This celebrity diet is a replacement plan in which two of your three meals are replaced with a nutritious cookie. A lot of people including celebrities prefer meal replacement diets because there’s little planning required. Grab the cookie and head out the door!

Will it work for Snookie? At first, this celebrity diet plan will help her lose weight because she will drastically decrease her intake. But, if she doesn’t watch what she eats later, she’ll end up gaining back the weight. Better, though, then eating only ice cubes which she reportedly did in high school to stave off hunger.

There are other celebrity diet trends too! How about a purple plan? Mariah Carey follows a diet that involves eating massive amounts of purple fruits. The idea is to gain plenty of phytochemicals from this group of plants, which makes this celebrity diet an anti-aging, anti-inflammatory diet as well as a weight loss plan. Unfortunately, those fruits are high in sugar and low in protein, which means she’ll probably be hungry and gain weight.

Jennifer Aniston reportedly used a baby food cleanse celebrity diet to drop weight for a film role. The baby food cleanse involves consuming jars of baby food for two of your three meals, which is again, a replacement meal that leaves a person with a mere 600-700 calories per day. (I wonder if the Dutch apple dessert baby food is in this celebrity diet? Yum!) Lucky for Aniston, she’s an avid exerciser, so she probably will remain in good shape even after she gains the weight back on this celebrity diet.

And beyond purple baby food (sort of), certain celebrity diet trends involve eating only particular types of food. Oatmeal, artichokes and salmon were solely on the menu for Milla Jovovic when she wanted to drop the post-delivery pounds. A little tastier than Victoria Beckham’s (Posh Spice) strawberries, edamame and (gag) dry lettuce.

Sounds like Renee Zellweger had a fairly decent celebrity diet: tuna, lettuce and raw veggies plus a good workout every day. All of those things are a good way to lose weight, IF you can stick to it. A little trick to Renee’s ability to stick with the plan? She ate ice cubes if she got hungry during her strict celebrity diet regime.

Kylie Minogue is a fan of the celebrity grapefruit diet; however, Jennifer Lopez has simplified the grapefruit diet trend by just “sniffing” the grapefruit oil she carries around in a vial. Opera singer Kumiko Mori started a celebrity diet trend in Japan by eating a banana every morning with a glass of room temperature water. Apparently, Japanese stores can’t keep enough bananas in stock!

While all of the above trends are relatively harmless (although the weight will likely be regained or never lost in the first place), Brittney Spears used to follow a pretty dangerous celebrity diet trend using Aderrall (ADD drug and stimulant) combined with laxatives! Yikes!

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