Has A Car Accident In Seattle or Bellevue Left You With Headaches?

According to the Center for Disease Control, up to 45 million Americans suffer with severe forms of headaches.

This is a staggering number if you ask me! If you are one of these 45 million you know just how horrible it can be to suffer with headaches. The most common type of headache is the cervicogenic type headache. Cervicogenic means “to originate in the neck”. These headaches come from the bones, muscles and nerves of the neck itself.

When the bones of the neck or the skull or even the TMJ get pulled out of place it puts a tremendous amount of stress on the blood vessels, nerves and even your brain. The only way that your body can tell you there is something wrong is to give you a head ache.

It is a lot like the fire alarm in your house. When the fire alarm goes off in your house, there is probably a fire or smoke in your house. What do you do when you hear the alarm? You call the fire department and get out of the house, of course. It is the same thing in the body, w hen you have a head ache you have to remove the reason for the headache, which m any times is a misalignment of the bones of the neck from injury, poor posture, a traumatic birth, or even falls as a child!

There can be many reasons that a neck misalign’s, from car accidents to poor posture at your computer. Your headaches are a warning sign that there is something wrong in your body and that cause is what needs to be addressed. Here at Back in Action Chiropractic we have found that if your headaches are caused by spinal misalignment’s, we can treat these misalignment’s and take away or greatly reduce your pain.

If you would like to find more information about this type of treatments go to www.caraccidentseattlebellevue.com, and www.backinactionchiropractic.com

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