Green Living Suggestions For Economizing Household Energy

There are many reasons why you want to live green, but saving money is probably near the top. The most expensive energy unit in your house is your furnace so that should be maintained. Simply heating the household up accounts for approximately 60% of the energy costs. The filter in the furnace needs to be replaced every few months in order to be in good working order. A better option could be to find a reusable filter, and then regularly just clean it. They might be expensive, but in the long term they will pay for themselves, costing much less than the number of disposable filters you would otherwise have to purchase. The energy efficiency of your furnace can go up to 50% by doing routine maintenance.

Because a lot of energy is wasted at night or when there is nobody home, it is a good idea to install a thermostat that is programmable. Keeping the temperature several degrees cooler when the house is empty will save money also. Hot water is one other expense that can be reduced, by wrapping your water heater in a blanket of insulation. It is easy to install and is available at any hardware store. The fiberglass blanket keeps in the heat when you wrap it around the hot water tank, and will pay for itself the initial year that you use it.

One other means is to just try the tankless hot water solution. This is a good alternative if you are thinking of replacing your hot water tank. Instead of having to heat the entire tank of water, and keep it heated, you can get the water heated as it is needed. The tankless hot water system consumes less energy hence you’ll be saving as much as 50% off your energy bill. You can save money and energy by keeping your home cool naturally. During summertime your home can be kept cooler by just using a ceiling fan, and keeping the screens and drapes drawn. If you use an AC, see to it that you set it at 75 degrees and just make it cooler if the heat becomes intolerable.

Replacing incandescent bulbs will cost a lot in the beginning but you’ll save in the long run. By choosing to use compact fluorescent lightbulbs, you can save about 75% in energy use and these light bulbs will last ten times longer. This will not just save you some money, but put fewer lightbulbs into the landfills. You can save about $30 a year by changing only five bulbs. The simplest thing that people can do, is simply turn off the lights when you don’t need them. Many of us are guilty of doing this, so if we all changed, a lot of electrical energy would be saved.

If people can flip the lights off whenever they exit the room, then they could do the same for all electrical devices.

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