Get Relief from Kidney Stones with These Treatments

If you have kidney stones, you naturally want to choose the treatments that will get rid of them most effectively. If you have large kidney stones, your doctor may recommend certain medical procedures but if they are small, there are many effective home treatments that work well. The following is information on the some of the options available for treating kidney stones at home. While combining several approaches can be effective, you need to be careful when mixing drugs and herbs, so always check with your doctor to ensure the combination is safe.

Everyone from your doctor to herbalists will tell you that you have to drink lots of water when you have kidney stones. Since drinking plenty of water is the number one way to flush kidney stones from your body, be sure to drink 8 glasses of water every day. Ask your doctor how much water is safe for you to drink if you have any conditions that restrict the amount of fluids you consume. Help prevent kidney stones from coming back by drinking plenty of water and avoiding unhealthy drinks like soda because dehydration is a common cause of kidney stones.

When treating kidney stones, you should make sure that you’re not eating too much salt. Salt increases the amount of calcium in the urine, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Salt can cause dehydration which works against the water and other fluids you should be consuming in a day. Unfortunately, most people consume too much salt which is especially problematic when you have kidney stones. It’s not easy to reduce your intake of salt, as it’s contained in high quantities in just about all processed foods. This is one of the reasons you should try eating more unprocessed and raw foods which will help your body detox and avoid harmful ingredients such as salt.

Not all experts agree but if you have kidney stones, it can be a good idea to cut back on meat and other animal protein. For one thing, these foods can cause a buildup of uric acid that forms kidney stones. You also have to watch your intake of any kind of protein when it comes to kidney ailments, including kidney stones. You need a certain amount of protein but since protein can aggravate kidney stones and make it harder to get rid of them, you should avoid a high protein diet if you have this problem.

Start out by taking regular walks and build up to more strenuous exercise as you feel better.

There are many treatments for kidney stones, and we’ve only had room to look at a few of them in this article. There are changes you can make to your lifestyle that can help you recover more quickly, especially when combines with other natural remedies. Just make sure you stay away from foods and beverages that can make it harder for you to get rid of your kidney stones.

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