Genital Warts In Men: Top Causes of Genital Warts

HPV virus which is responsible for genital warts, is more pronounced among the female population, however a number of cases involving men have also been observed and are increasing at a very fast rate. If genital warts treatment for men is not taken seriously, it can even lead to serious issues such as cervical cancer. A number of times these are not visible, so doctors use vinegar for identifying them on the infected area.

Your doctor needs to diagnose you with this sexually transmitted disease before you try any treatment. It’s a fairly simple test and there is no pain involved. While you may be embarrassed to see a doctor because of these lesions, your doctor has many prescription medications available that can help with the symptoms. It’s worth seeing your physician for their expert opinion.

During sexual conduct, minor microscopic abrasions can occur. It is through these abrasions that HPV gains’ access from the host to the other person. Hence, the condition can develop in men and women. In women, the infection by HPV is considered fatal because it might lead to cervical cancer. Other sexually transmitted conditions might also lead to genital warts in men. This includes syphilis. Improper protection during the conduct is the main reason why the condition is widespread among the people. The infections that are occurring in the region (not the sexual organs) might aid in the effective transmission even in the presence of ambient protection.

The cause of genital warts is the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. There is a vaccine available for young women to day to help prevent cervical cancer, which is also causes by certain strains of HPV. There is still ongoing research to determine if this vaccine is effective against contracting genital warts as well. Your doctor will recommend several treatment options. These may include cryotherapy, which is freezing off the wart with liquid nitrogen, laser surgery, which cuts off the lesions, or several prescription creams and lotions. The latter takes several weeks to see any difference, but they do work.

The condition is quite common in teenagers and even children these days. Genital warts for men can be treated, if suitable medicaments are imparted. The treatment may or may not remove the warts present in those regions. Even on this day, physicians are uncertain whether the visible lacerations can be shed by treatment procedures.

Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.

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