Gardens And Depression

It Is a fact that life is only getting more stressful. People cope with stress in many different ways. You will have probably never have heard of this way of dealing with stress before. I’m referring to a zen garden. No matter the situation this way works.

Zen gardens incorporate gravel or sand that feels like water, rocks and plants The idea is an organized space for resting. It is a common false impression that monks mediate in these gardens. They in reality meditate in front of a wall. This is irrelevant however, an organized space means peace. It is an oasis of calm in an otherwise ridiculous world. I will now tell you how to develop one.

1) Find a space. IT also doesn’t really have to be a big area, more often than not small zen gardens work well. Better in fact. It shouldn’t be too shaded either.

2) Light colored wood is successful when building the sand or gravel baths. important. You can also use metal or rock but I feel light colored wood really has the jump

3) Thefinal thing you desire is weeds and things growing up through the sand or gravel. To prevent weeds and such a very good plastic ground sheet must be laid before putting down any gravel or sand.

4) Fill the gravel and sand baths. Make sure that it is even.

5) Find some rocks for visual stimulation. It doesn’t matter what they look like just providing you like them. You could also place in some statues. Don’t put in too much though.

6) Rake the sand or gravel. May seem uncomplicated but that is the entire purpose. You make the sand appear to be the ripples of water.

7) Get a water fountain or water feature. Not a massive elaborately designed one. Just a very simple one so you can hear water as you kick back.

8) Depending on how much place you have you require some furniture. A bench set could be wonderful. Just be certain that it is quite comfortable. This is all about minimalist principles though so keep it basic

9) Grow some flowers, aromatic flowers like lavender work best as do shrubs. Again nothing too luxuriant, just straightforward.

10) Appreciate

Once it is available zen gardens are really low maintenance. That is the whole point of them really. Less time weeding more time kicking back. It sounds straightforward but this could take time. It will certainly be worthwhile ultimately.

Stop by Franz Cravey’s site where you can find out all about zen gardening and what it can do for your state of mind.

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