Fully Qualified Edina Chiropractor Alleviates Slipped Disc Pain Safely

Back pain is the cause of many millions of lost working hours every year. The pain suffered can lead to immobility and, if not addressed in a timely fashion, mental anguish. A major cause of back pain is a slipped disc. Fortunately, an Edina chiropractor can often relieve much of this pain through a series of manipulations and exercises.

The spine is a complex structure made up from many individual bones. Vertebrae are connected individually, allowing the spine to move. Each vertebra is separated by a disc that is normally flexible. When these discs become dehydrated over time, they can lose suppleness and begin to crack.

Spinal discs lose significant flexibility when this happens and become more susceptible to slippage. This can occur through an accident or something as innocuous as a sneeze if the disc is in particularly bad shape. Unfortunately, there are a number of highly sensitive spinal nerves in this area and it is when these become pinched by a protruding disc, the pain begins.

The work of a chiropractor will usually center on the strengthening of a person’s musculoskeletal biomechanics. It is then hoped that the disc will naturally be pushed back into place by the body. Practitioners never ‘pop’ these discs back into place as is sometimes believed to be the case.

A good clinician will recognize the fact that the best sources of information are always the patients themselves. After a medical history form has been completed, there will normally follow a detailed one to one conversation between the practitioner and the patient. The information acquired from that will create a starting point for the investigatory physical exam that follows.

There may be occasions when enough information cannot be gathered and scans are necessary. These will normally be X-ray scans but it is not unusual for an Edina chiropractor to employ the use of MRI scanning which offers a clearer picture. Therapies will concentrate on strengthening the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the back and sometimes the legs.

The Edina chiropractor will help relieve the pain of that slipped disc. You definitely need a chiropractor to help you if you are experiencing pain in your back, shoulders or neck. Http://www.edinawellness.com

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