Fitting Into Your Clothes With The Change Of Seasons
It’s a time-honored tradition we all follow – new season, new wardrobe. But what’s to do if you suddenly realize that the spring or summer wardrobe you had last year isn’t quite fitting too well this year? According to studies, about two out of five adults feel that they have to lose a good ten pounds to fit into their bathing suits. It’s little surprise why so many people want to go on a diet these days.
If you are like many other Americans and worry about fitting into your seasonal wardrobe, here are just a few of the most effective ways you can do so:
Challenge Yourself. Bring that sense of urgency out of you. Set goals and be aware of them every day.
Set a Date. Losing weight is much easier if you start your weight loss plan ahead of schedule. When choosing a weight loss program, it has to be something you are confident you can complete and something that works quickly and effectively.
The Buddy System. Enlist the support of a friend to help you meet your weight loss goals. Studies show those people who have the support of a buddy tend to stick to their diets more than those who fly solo.
The Garden of “Eatin’.” Fruits and vegetables should be an integral part of your diet. Your waistline will be very grateful you chose these nutritious, delicious foods.
Let’s Get Physical! You don’t have to sign up at your nearby gym (though maybe you might) or take up sports so late in the game – even brisk walking can be of help here. Even 20 minutes a day adds up.
Spring Fling. Here’s an innovative idea – invite your friends over for a dinner party and make sure you prepare some healthy food. Instead of the usual pork and beef for your barbecue parties, try grilling lean meat like chicken and tuna. To add some zing in your cooking, use unusual condiments and spices.
Space it Out. You can lose weight and satisfy your appetite at the same time by eating smaller meals and spacing them out throughout the day. If you eat six small meals a day, you will feel less hungry in between meals. Have a specific plan when headed to the grocery to buy food for your meals.
Water Here, Water There, Water Everywhere! Being hydrated is important if you are physically active. Steer clear of calorie-laden beverages such as soda, lemonade and sweet tea. Nothing hydrates better than good ol’ water.
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