Finding Home Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis

There are several home treatments for bacterial vaginosis. The vagina is made up of different kinds of bacteria some good, some bad. Usually there’s a lot more beneficial bacteria present. But if this natural balance is altered, this infection might occur. This condition is the most common vaginal infection in women of childbearing age. Natural cures are affective in treating this condition.

Women that have been diagnosed, by their GYN, to have this infection will generally be prescribed an antibiotic. But this condition is known to reoccur approximately two months after the infection has gone away. The infection brings on a foul smelling discharge accompanied by a burning and itching sensation.

Women who suffer from this ailment will normally be given antibiotics by their GYN. The infection will usually clear up in a few days. However, this type of infection is known for returning. The infection typically reoccurs around two months after treatment. All of the symptoms return, which include severe itching and, at times, a burning sensation.

Some other home remedies for this infection include the application of natural yogurt to the area. The yogurt should contain lactobacillus acidophilus and L. Bifidus. These ingredients restore normal ph balances in the vagina. There are also Acidophilus capsules or powder which is less messy than applying yogurt to the area.

Another natural remedy that us used is a solution of water and boric acid that is used to restore the acidity levels in the vagina. But this remedy is strongly advised against by medical professionals because boric acid can cause tissue damage in the lining of the vagina. Other remedies include soaking Tampons in yogurt, which provides relief from the itching this condition is known to cause.

The use of vinegar and water is very popular when it comes to treating this condition. The vinegar helps to restore the natural balance of flora in the vagina. It also helps to relief the area from itchiness. There are also a few essential oils that are used to help to treat the symptoms.

Vinegar and water has been a commonly used treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis. The vinegar will help to bring balance to the flora found in the vaginal area. This solution is additionally used to reduce irritation and itchiness. A number of natural treatments have also included the addition of essential oils, however, it is critical to use these with extreme care. It is advisable to seek an expert opinion from your primary care physician or GYN, prior to trying any kind of all natural remedy for this condition.

Please visit our site to learn more about Home Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis

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