Fat Loss Halted? What To Do When You Reach A Plateau

Is the weight-loss frozen? What to do when you reach a plateau is an issue and irritating to put it mildly! I’m not likely to say to you you will start shedding weight from following this advice as I realize it might not be true for some. What I will say, is it is quite likely that you CAN start losing weight once again because they worked for me.

In case you haven’t been drinking enough water, make sure you do this now. One and a half to two litres a day should do the trick (and prevent you drinking excessive caffeine!) Drink it as cold as you can as the body has to use more energy getting itself back to normal temperature. Cold showers will also be excellent, and just thirty seconds of torture following a hot wash can make the body burn unwanted fat for some hours afterwards in an attempt to manage the body temperature. Not such a bad thing during summer months and it’s definitely not pleasant, but I’m certain it does work.

You must not starve yourself, because this is not only dangerous, but may have the opposite effect to the one you want as the body goes into starvation mode. Changing the way you eat is a good response to what to do when you reach a plateau. Unfortunately, there are some ‘healthy’ foods that basically don’t help you. But just like the cold showers which help generate a thermogenic response in the body, a good way to boost weight loss is to add an abundance of spice to your food. As a result you sweat and cause the body to work to regulate your temperature again. Wait a little while and then follow with a cool and rejuvenating iced sorbet (sugar-free of course) to restart the body temperature regulation process.

Before you even have your meal, lower your appetite by having a starter of salad with healthy dressing or a basic low calorie soup. Don’t immediately have your main meal after, but leave it five to ten minutes so your stomach has time to tell your brain that it has food in it already. This helps satisfy you and certainly control your desire to have desserts which are my weakness. To give your head time to catch up with the messages, eat slowly. Enjoying a meal with friends also helps as you tend to talk between mouthfuls anyhow. These are typically a number of the simplest ways to use up plenty of extra calories but without the risk of damaging your body.

Although I don’t really like to say the exercise word, if you aren’t doing something already, at least go out for a couple of 20 minute good walks. It’s not long and will help. If you need to enhance your existing exercise regime or don’t want to walk, try to have a few sessions on a vibro plates machine. You can find quite a bit of proof these really do give you a boost, as for ten minutes exercise on a machine, the body thinks it’s done one hour! Even when you just stand and ‘wobble’ the muscles will react and work harder.

So, if you want to know what to do when you reach a plateau and the weight just seems to stick – stay with it and try some of the above as they might just give you the boost you require.

You will get a greater number of these tips on what foods may help and what to do once you reach a plateau by watching this FREE video by CLICKING HERE! (lasts about 10 minutes)! Four weeks on this program may alter your life forever. Or, if you need to find more facts about vibro plates visit www.vibroplateexercises.com.

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