Factors behind Gum Issue

Gum Infection and Periodontal Disease are due to poor oral hygiene. It is when abscess starts to form in the gum area, causing red and swollen gums. Normally, this is accompanied by other symptoms along the lines of unpleasant mouth odor, loose teeth, painful gums that bleed easily and visible pus relating to the teeth or gums.

Gum infection is normally due to poor oral hygiene but could be also due to other reasons along the lines of:

Plaque – a thin layer of sticky liquid that clings on the gums and teeth which can be actually bacteria accumulation. This will likely eventually harden to tartar and turned out to be being infected. Brushing can remove plaque but is not tartar. It requires to be cleaned by a dentist to be eliminated.

Badly aligned teeth, poorly done dentures and teeth grinding – these could damage the tissue that help support the teeth and gums or create openings for contamination and cause dental problems. The gaps between teeth will also be prone to infection therefore it is also important to floss to clean up it.

Smoking – results to several possible dental problems like reduced saliva levels, bone loss and teeth stain. This may also lower the immune system which is the body’s defense against most diseases like gum infection. Less saliva or dry mouth increases risks of infection as saliva contains antibodies helping get rid of food debris from the mouth that may aid bacterial infection.

Medications – certain drugs have uncomfortable side effects which could affect the gum tissues and could cause a dent for bacteria to infect.

Pregnancy, puberty, anger and stress – have psychological damages that lower the body’s power to deal with diseases. Studies show that individuals which have no close friends, getting angry frequently, stressed and going through hormonally triggered levels in life like menopause will be more prone to periodontal disease.

Contagious – if a relative or significant one has dental conditions like periodontitis, the causative bacteria is often transmitted by kissing. When your lover has periodontal disease, it’s quite likely that you both might require treatment.

Low Calcium – low calcium intake increases risks of getting gum diseases as calcium is a major portion of our bones. Research has shown that ladies taking supplements have lower risks to getting periodontal diseases.

One must always learn how someone can get gum diseases to ensure that we are able to take measures to prevent them. Also, it is necessary to go to your dentist regularly for check-up and cleaning because this plays a huge part in preventing dental problems.

Learn the different causes that leades to gum infection and the real thing between gum infection and periodontal disease.

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