Eye Exercises To Improve Your Vision

If you are a person who spends a lot of time at a computer, you may have noticed that your eyesight has become worse over time. Your last visit to your ophthalmologist may have shown that you now require prescription eyeglasses to bring your vision back to 20/20 vision. But you need not just accept that. There are simple eye exercises to improve eyesight that you can do with very little effort. Just like any other muscle in the body, every person’s eyes need regular exercise. Providing regular exercise to muscles is what keeps them healthy and your eyes are no different. Most people simply assume that as time passes they will require glasses to help them see but this does not have to be the case for everyone if you exercise your eyes on a regular basis.

There are five very simple exercises you can do to help keep your eyes as healthy as possible. Blinking will help keep your eyes fresh and able to focus for longer periods of time. When someone is intently focused on an activity such as watching television or working at a computer screen, they tend to blink less. As an exercise, blink every 3 to 4 seconds for about two minutes. After completing this exercise, your eyes will feel relaxed. Blinking repeatedly helps discharge previous information in your visual cortex which helps reduce eye strain.

The second simple exercise you can do for your eyes is called “Palming” which will relieve stress around your eyes while taking a quick computer break. To do this exercise, first take a few deep breaths. Get as comfortable as possible while leaning forward on your desk. Keep your elbows at rest on your knees. Close your eyes. Place each of your hands over each eye with your palms covering them. Keeping your fingers on your forehead, rest the heels of each hand on your cheekbones. Blink freely so you do not exert too much pressure on your eyes during this exercise.

The last eye exercise, called a Figure of Eight will help increase their flexibility. It is a very simple but good exercise. To do this exercise, look at a wall and imagine a giant number 8 on it. Now, turn the 8 on its side. Trace the number 8 with your eyes slowly. Go in one direction for a few minutes, then switch and go in the opposite direction for a few minutes.

These exercises are easy to do. You can do them while seated at your desk a few times a day. If you do them on a regular basis, you will see an improvement in your eyesight over time.

NaturalPerfectVision – how to improve eyesight exercises and how to naturally improve eyesight

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