Extrinsic Motivation – An External Driving Force

Aside from motivation within ourselves, there are external factors that drive us to do things we do not intentionally plan to do. These are extrinsic motivation. Although there are people who have the self motivation to work so that they will excel and become more successful, many individuals are only motivated to work because they have to work to sustain their family and that is regardless of their job preference.

There are many ways where we can be motivated externally. The most common among the initiatives of various companies are in the form of rewards or punishments. These are common ways where workers that do not have the self motivation to perform excellently are being driven to perform.

Extrinsic motivation should be positive because they are vital in the performance of workers and the company where they work for. People working on policies for various companies should be good at considering what is best for both workers and employers. The regulations they make can either be successful or disastrous.

Every individual have different characteristics which means that all of us do not think alike. But all of us have common causes when it comes to work and that is to have a better working condition. It is natural for us to negatively react when we are pressed so hard to reaching unrealistic company targets.

Negative motivation is considered to be strong and is being used by most employers because they work. Threatening a worker to be fired for not performing as they are expected will surely work. But then, it will also have a negative consequence on the employer because no unhappy worker will last long on a company that motivates through fear. If they can afford to spend for training of inexperienced workers all the time, they might as well consider their ways and think about how to make better policies.

Positive motivation is obviously way better than the negative. There should be balance when it comes to employee-employer relationships. Companies offering better benefits and treats their workers well are those that excel in their line of business.

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