Exploring Common Causes of Kidney Stones

People may get kidney stones for a number of reasons, some easier to identify than others. There can be genetic reasons, a person’s diet, as well as having other illnesses that can lead to kidney stones. In some cases, knowing what caused kidney stones gives you a clue about how to cure them. To help you understand kidney stones better, we’ll be covering some of the factors that frequently cause them.

Kidney stones are typically calcium based, and that is why year ago people thought high calcium foods and drinks contributed to this condition. Yet there is no doubt about the composition containing calcium oxalate. However, what is now known is drinking milk and eating cheese will not increase your risk for kidney stones. But that oxalate compound is found in some vegetables and nuts, and it should be avoided if you are at risk for kidney stones. Remember your body needs calcium, so do not deprive yourself of this important mineral. The best approach is to consult your doctor if you feel worried or know you are prone to developing kidney stones.

Not taking in enough water is one of the of the major factors in developing kidney stones. The usual recommendation is to drink at least eight glasses of water every day, and this is only the minimum. There are all sorts of things that can cause your body to be dehydrated like eating too many salty foods, drinking lots of alcohol or caffeinated beverages or failing to take in enough water when you exercise. When you don’t get enough water, the kidneys become overly acidic and this can cause the formation of kidney stones. Whether you currently suffer from this problem or hope to prevent it from happening later, make sure that you drink enough water each day, especially if you are very active.

What is known is some medication can help you develop kidney stones. There are some antacids to avoid such as those with extra amounts of calcium, plus diuretics for water loss put you at risk. Aspirin and laxatives, depending on other variables, could make someone more prone in addition to some kinds of antibiotics. We think a lot of people do not bother reading labels for precautions, and this is a great example of why you should. You really need to take precautions, so perhaps think about visiting your favorite medical doctor for advice about this area.

Kidney stones are also more likely to occur among heavy drinkers of alcohol. Kidney stones are often associated with dehydration, and drinking a lot of alcohol can lead to this problem. Research also shows, though, that light to moderate drinkers can reduce their chances of developing various health problems, including kidney stones. In other words, you can gain certain benefits from alcohol, but if you drink too much you’re harming your heath. People who are prone to alcoholism, of course, should avoid drinking at all and seek alternative ways to gain similar benefits. You also have to take into consideration your own weight and tolerance to determine what amounts are safe for you.

In conclusion, kidney stones have many causes, and doctors aren’t always sure what causes them in all cases. Even though you can influence this through healthy habits, there are some times when it will still develop. Just always be sure you do not waste any time with getting medical attention if you think you have the symptoms.

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