Essential Facts on the Treatment of Candidiasis

Simple yeast infections are fairly simple to treat and a lot of people choose to buy over-the-counter medications to take care of their problem themselves. Most of the time the condition will respond very favorably with this approach and be eradicated in roughly seven days. This may work with the simple, basic yeast infections that healthy people have from time to time, but there are certain illnesses or medical conditions that will indicate that the infection could become more serious and, as a result, require medical intervention. Some groups of people who need to be especially prudent when they suspect a yeast infection are those with a weakened immune system, diabetics, and women who are pregnant. You need to consult with your medical doctor also if you have been getting yeast infections regularly over the past several months.

One thing we all have a general idea about regarding infections is much depends on the exact cause and whether the organism has become resistant to common medicines. Suppositories and creams, purchased without a prescription, are often used with success by women who are experiencing a vaginal yeast infection. Fluconazole is an antifungal compound. One of its brand names is Diflucan. It is very efficacious and sometimes just one tablet is all that is needed to clear up a yeast infection. This, of course, is the exception rather than the rule and mainly occurs when the infection is a simple vaginal yeast infection. Fluconazole, under its various brand names, almost always requires a prescription from your doctor. Two out of three women who decide they have a yeast infection, according to a recent study, decided incorrectly. Their infection wasn’t caused by Candida albicans. There are other conditions that produce similar symptoms, and even secondary conditions, such as vaginosis or vulvitis. Bacterial vaginosis is extremely serious and is actually treated with antibiotics instead of anti-fungal medications such as those used to treat a yeast infection. Vaginitis can result from a protozoan infection caused by the protozoan Trichomonas and the symptoms resemble those of a yeast infection. While at their largest, protozoa can be up to 1 MM in size, they are still considered single-celled animals. Moreover, if you treat your vaginal infection with yeast infection medicines, and it is another form of sexually transmitted infection, your treatment will not work.

There are still a lot of women who treat themselves when they feel the beginnings of what they suspect is a vaginal yeast infection. Your situation, however, may be different this time due to the variables inherent in a vaginal infection; so, learn as much as you can and seriously think about calling your doctor for an appointment.

Even if you are able to successfully treat your infections, the fact that they keep occurring is a good reason to investigate the matter. There are other situations that can be the reason you keep getting repeated yeast infections and you won’t know that those reasons are unless you check it out.

More often than not, you will be able to successfully treat and eliminate your yeast infection quite easily. One type of yeast infection that is not so easy to treat is a chronic, or systemic, yeast infection that infiltrates your whole body.

Unfortunately, the mortality rate is quite high in these cases and around 75%. Now, bear in mind that invasive, or chronic Candidiasis is not the same yeast overgrowth condition which takes place in your gastrointestinal tract. This internal yeast infection is not the same thing as the chronic, invasive form of yeast infection. A very serious condition to prevent occurs whenever your blood stream gets infected with the Candida yeast fungus and this is what you want to prevent..

Lear more about what causes yeast infection in men, in women and what causes recurring yeast infection

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