Ending Sinus Pain the Natural Way

Some of us are fortunate enough to not have the problem of dealing with a sinus infection, but for the many of us that do it can be a real pain. Its usually followed by a viral infection when a bacterium has entered the sinus cavities and mucus buildup causes inflammation of the nasal passageways, making it hard to breathe and other common symptoms such as headaches, constant pressure in the eyes, nose and face. In chronic cases the symptoms are intensified and it may also be accompany by fever and severe coughing. Thats why we seek out instant relief from the dreaded sinus infection. Here are some natural remedies to help you recover.

However, we’re not perfect and may catch it regardless, so let’s examine some common ways that we can treat the symptoms of Sinusitis. Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine and phenylpherine are good temporary remedies that help drain the sinuses. Prescribed inhalers, while not decongestants, assist in healing the sinus membranes. Over-the-counter nasal sprays like Dristan and Afrin are basically ‘spray’ versions of decongestants and can be used for a few days or so. Humidifiers or sprays that contain salt water in them will ‘melt’ the infected sinuses away (so to speak).

While there are antibiotics that can be used to battle sinusitis, such medications only go so far. Luckily, there are several chemical-free cures that can be used, such as steam. Humidity is one of the easiest ways to clear up the sinuses, either by standing in a hot shower a few times a day or by creating a steam tent: lean over a pot of hot, steaming water and drape a towel over your head, enclosing the steam as you inhale the vapors.

Sinus problems seem to affect everyone these days. Many try to relieve the headache pressure by using very warm cloths over the eyes. Another remedy would be the use of a saline solution in the nose. Yes, these things may give relieve briefly. However, we know that sinus infections are caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi growing inside of our sinuses. One thing that may pop into our mind is to sign up for sinus surgery.

One option to relieve the sinus pressure and nasal congestion associated with sinusitis is to flush the sinuses with a homemade saline solution. Saline solution can be made by combining one-fourth teaspoon of salt, one-eighth teaspoon of baking soda, and 4 ounces of warm water. Using a bulb syringe, you can flush your nose two to four times per day. This can greatly help to alleviate nasal congestion and help the nose to drain.

For a natural cure of sinus infections and to relieve sinus pain try SINUVIL. More complete information about the herbal cure can be found at https://sinuvil.com.

Learn more about Sinus Problems – Treat sinusitis with horseradish mixture. Stop by our site where you can find out all about Sinus Headache Treatment – Number of Ways by Which Sinus Headaches Can Be Treated.

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