Electronic Cigarette-What is It Exactly?

Traditional cigarette are simply a danger to the society pollution, new illnesses and increasing death tolls. The people who do not smoke can also suffer from its harmful side effects. The latest innovations and advancements in technology formed the new electronic cigarette. Researchers believe that this more secure than the ordinary cigars. In addition, chain smokers can also enjoy the feel, taste, and appearance of the old types since the e-cigs are almost similar to the original. Nevertheless, electronic cigarette reviews mentioned that consumers will enjoy the tar-free smoking.

People who dislike smoking won’t be bothered if you use e cigarette since there is no threat of a second-hand smoke. Electronic Cigarette reviews praise this non-flammable product that utilizes the micro-electronic technology. It is quite amazing to see someone smoking without any flame nor fire, no more carbon monoxide, or even ashes that need to clean up. It looks very positive in the eyes of smokers and manufacturers, of course. However, we must consider its downsides.

The New York Times got the opportunity to interview Joshua Sharfstein, the principal commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. He said that they are concerned about the people who are using the electronic cigarettes since they know the chemicals inside the product, but they still do not know its side effect in the human body. They found out that some of the e-cigs cartridges contain levels of nitrosamines. These compounds is one of the causes of cancer.

Additionally, there is also diethlyene glycol, an ingredient in antifreeze that substituted glycerin in counterfeited toothpastes that resulted in death of hundreds all over the world. Officials are also afraid of its unsure effects for those who can inhale its vapor even if it does not emit any smoke at all. Also, they conducted several studies regarding the levels of nicotine. Outcomes showed that the labels does not match the resulting nicotine level. For example, in one label where it has indicated no nicotine, results showed varying levels of the substance.

Since these comments from officials have no valid evidences so far, they can still say that the product is more secure compared to the traditional cigars. The lithium battery of an e cigarette can also be reused or recharged through an electric outlet or car charger. Besides, these types are considered nature-friendly since there are no ashes or buds to be disposed contributing to lesser pollution. Manufacturers offer various flavors of the electronic cigarette. As a result 18 years old and below are more encouraged to go for this product.

Cigarette is always a cigarette, no matter it’s electronic or traditional. It is unsafe and unhealthy and will not bring any advantage to our body. Nevertheless, as long as media and big celebrities consume these e-cigs, people will go on with these. Carefully examine the findings and compare it with the manufacturers claims.

The Vapor cigarette is the best cigarette smoking device and should be used frequently by all the people wishing to quit smoking. You can watch video and read about various brands of smokeless cigarettes here.

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