EFT- A Treatment for PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) involves bursts of anxiety that is associated with serious traumatic events. Sometimes it is characterized by survivor guilt and often follows a terrifying physical or emotional event. An energy-psychology technique that has the potential for treating this disorder is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) which promotes mind-body healing. EFT tapping technique works on the concept that all harmful emotions are a disruption in the body’s energy system.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD begins with a traumatic disruption of our experience of reality. Our normal sense of safety and well-being are violated and replaced by intense feelings of fear, horror and helplessness, devastating whatever coping strategies we have developed for daily stress. Not able to release the intense harmful emotions, our mind instead attempts to hold back the traumatic situations, to quarantine them away from conscious awareness. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder causes a fight-or-flight, hyperarousal state that could develop into full-blown PTSD.

Individuals who are afflicted with PTSD relive the traumatizing event through nightmares and flashbacks, and have strong physical reactions when reminded of it, unable to remember event details, feel emotionally numb and detached from the present moment, lose interest in important activities, and unable to relax or concentrate. Trying to prevent this kind of triggering, some sufferers become reclusive or even phobic. They may turn to alcohol or other numbing agents in an effort to shut down their fight-or-flight reactions.

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT is a type of acupressure-assisted exposure therapy. This method comprises of tapping on main acupressure points while thinking on particular emotional problems. Emotional Freedom Technique has been proven in studies to considerably lessen the intensity levels for people who suffer anxiety disorders. Sometimes, this intensity lessens with just a few short sessions as opposed to traditional psychotherapy which usually takes months to affect a lesser change. EFT has been applied effectively for combat vets, fire and paramedics, victims of rape and violent assault, survivors of natural disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks as well as childhood abuse.

Even in the most serious cases, several individuals have benefitted from the Emotional Freedom Technique. Learn more about how you can treat PTSD by visiting the EFT therapy website.

Want to learn more about EFT? Then don’t forget to check out EFT Therapy website to know more about EFT and what it can offer to you.

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