Don’t Work It, Rock It!

“These skinny jeans are awesome! Oh my god, this bikini is so hot! Too bad, I can’t fit in those because my butt is so BIG!” this is an everyday situation that girls, who’ve always neglected working out and healthy nutrition, are facing and will still face if they don’t act and soon!
Well, I know that this not a girls only problem as some men also have them.

It’s really embarrassing to walk around in those especially when they make our bodies look worst. Well, that’s what we get for piling up fast foods in our bellies and neglecting exercising. But you know what? There is a chance for me and you to catch up and regain our fit and healthy silhouette. The journey is going be long, but you know, no pain no gain! Isn’t it? So will you join me in my journey of fitting into those skinny jeans? I bet you will. And our first quest is to look for some great butt workouts.

Great, as I mentioned above, the lack of exercise and healthy nutrition is the reason why “these persons” are having “butt” problems. I’m not a butt problems expert myself, but the other day, I’ve encountered a great guide called “The Truth About Six Packs Abs” where I found many great butt workouts which and according to everybody’s witnesses, do a great job in burning butt fat and decreasing cellulite.

1) One of the great butt workouts I found is Walking Lunges, this is a great exercise that helps you tighten both your butt and thighs and this is how it works: bend your knees then put your front leg in a 90 angle, you have to make sure that your shin and knee are in the same line with your ankle. And before that your back knee touches the floor, you have to push your weight up with your back left leg and force it on your right heel. Bring your left foot with your right one. Alternate between your legs and repeat this process without pausing.
2) Another one of the great butt workouts is the Pli Squat which can be performed by holding a dumbbell while making it face the floor. While keeping your back straight, bend your knees squat leaning into your heels. After, push yourself back up while squeezing your butt and thighs. This is a great workout for both butt and thighs.
3) Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlift is one of the great butt workouts and is quite popular. In order to perform this exercise, you have to use 2 dumbbells. But for beginners, it’s more advisable to start with light weights or not weights at all until your get used to it. Stand straight while grabbing the dumbbells, bend over until the dumbbells reach your ankles (for beginners, it’s enough to reach yours shin). Keep that position for a while keeping your palms facing the floor, then stand up and repeat the same procedure.

The last great butt workout I’m going to mention is Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlift that greatly helps stimulating your butt and thighs muscles. This exercise is done by grabbing 2 dumbbells in your hands. You can skip this step if you’re a beginner and perform it without dumbbells. First stand straight then bend over until the dumbbells (or you finger tips) reaches your shin. Stay still for a while then stand up. Repeat.

So my best advice to you is to get “The Truth About The Six Pack Abs” guide which besides giving you 100% efficient and great butt workouts, it teaches you how to eat healthier, workout your abs and have a toned six packs. It will also reveal shocking truths about foods you were thinking they’re healthy but unfortunately they are not. This guide is quite affordable and not a rip off like many other guides that you can find all over the internet.

Learn more about great butt workouts. Stop by John Ziegler’s site where you can find out all about great butt workouts and what it can do for you.

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