Does Low Testosterone Influence Type 2 Diabetes?

Having lower than normal levels of testosterone may indeed affect the likelihood of developing Type 2 Diabetes in men, as recent studies have shown that those with normal testosterone levels seem to have a lower incidence of Type 2 Diabetes.

Regardless of the presence of obesity in a man, those with subnormal levels of testosterone usually have a greater tendency to have diabetes than those who do not (as reported in Diabetes Care, a medical journal). When a man has insufficient levels of testosterone, he has a higher risk of becoming diabetic, and those who have diabetes already have been shown to commonly have lower testosterone levels overall, says Dr. Elizabeth Selvin (a Baltimore physician at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health).

The condition of lower testosterone levels in men is known as Hypogonadism, and currently is estimated to be present in 13 million men in America. Unfortunately, the decreasing testosterone levels so predominant in US males are usually accompanied by several health conditions known among aging men. These include lessened libido ability, lower libido, the loss of facial and body hair, weaker bones, muscular atrophy, and most importantly, diabetes.

An aging man will experience a decline in his levels of testosterone, which is a very important hormone, or androgen. This occurrence is known as Andropause and is similar to the menopausal phase encountered by aging women. It is estimated that over one-third of all men above the age of forty-five have lower than normal testosterone levels.

Every man with Type 2 Diabetes should inquire into his testosterone levels, for research has shown that about one-third of men having this condition are also affected by low testosterone.

A recent study indicates that overall lower testosterone levels can be found in mature or aging men that already suffer from obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes, and that they are two times more likely to experience lower levels of testosterone.

Also, it has been discovered that men experiencing chronic health conditions have a higher risk of lowered testosterone levels, as do roughly one-third of all men 45 years of age or more.

Prominent doctors as well as those without extensive medical knowledge have failed to see the overwhelmingly positive aspects of healthy testosterone levels in a man’s body. As a man ages, it is desirable for him to keep many of the characteristics of his youth, and using supplemental testosterone can be an easy and reasonably priced way to achieve that. Since it is also very safe,it could potentially bring competition to all the drug companies that currently produce medications that deal with the symptoms of aging. In other words, if testosterone supplementation increases in popularity, drug profits will suffer drastically!

In addition to testing the blood for lipid (fat) levels and glucose content, and measuring prostate antigens, every man over 35 would benefit from a testosterone test. Measuring one’s testosterone (along with these other tests) after a certain age can be used to determine one’s overall health condition and be an indicator for whether testosterone supplementation can be successfully utilized.

When analyzing lab results for the total amount of testosterone, the entire number is looked at, as well as the measure of what amount is available for the body to use. One can keep the range of 251 to 1000 ng/dL as a reference in interpreting the results, and must also determine what amount is bioavailable.

Unfortunately, it is not often that doctors perform the necessary glucose tolerance test and measure one’s insulin levels. If a man does not show the optimal level of glucose in circulation, he might be at risk of having metabolic syndrome or pre-diabetes, and could even have a resistance to insulin. A higher blood sugar level indicates that hemoglobin is joined to one’s glucose molecules and this results in the formation of glycosylated hemoglobin, also termed glycated hemoglobin A1c (written as HbA1c). When these levels go over six percent, it is likely that one’s blood sugar will remain high for a long time, and this points to a riskier state of health regarding diabetes and its associated symptoms.

It is suggested that male diabetics, those with an adult-onset condition, can gain positive results from reversing low testosterone using hormone replacement therapy; in fact the results are even greater when those who start supplementing testosterone have already been treating their symptoms with a nutritional diet and suggested medications. After some time, a number of men have been able to reduce or eliminate their need for hypoglycemic medications as well as notice a healthier level of HbA1c. Testosterone supplementation can even cut the need for insulin in half for some men that must rely on insulin to treat their condition. Other benefits include a slimmer waist and profile, more vigorous and rewarding exercise routines, as well as an overall greater sense of well being.

Regaining the level of testosterone present in one’s youth can have great positive effects on a man’s life. Not only can it reduce the risk of developing diabetes, but it can also aid those who are already diabetic by lowering their need for medications. With an optimal level of testosterone, a man can look forward to once again looking young and energetic. As a result of clinical studies, it is shown that he can also benefit with an improvement of his blood sugar levels, libido ability and function, and ability to recover from wounds.

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