Does Accutane Work?

Acne is a perennial problem in our society – whether those entering the puberty stage or an adult. It diminishes a person’s confidence and ability to think highly of himself in front of other people. This is the main reason why the skin care and beauty industry is a growing business. Take a look around you and you will see a wide range of choices for skin care regimen including products that promise to cure and even totally eliminate your acne. Who would not give in to these baits? Anyone in his right minds would surely grab the opportunity of having a clear skin.

Accutane is one of the many products out there that claims to help get rid of acne and future acne breakouts. Also known as Isotretinoin, this so called acne medication was first introduced to the oublic in 1979. It was administered to patients that have a severe case of acne. The result? A dramatic clearing of their acne breakouts! It gained huge popularity that this drug was a household name during the 1970’s and early 1980’s.

Accutane works by reducing the oil glands of our skin by as much as 80%. A reduction in the size of our skin;s oil gland would lead to the reduction of oil secreted. We all know that the acne-causing bacteria thrive on skin oil -a small amount of skin oil also reduces the chances of having these cane-causing bacteria thriving on our skin surface.

But wait, there’s more! Did you know that accutane has serious side effects? Well, here are just some of the side effects that you might experience if you try to use this product as an acne eradicating agent:

Inflammatory bowel disease – you may be getting an IBD if you experience unexplained weight loss, skin problems, fever, rectal bleeding, joint pain, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain.

Chron’s disease – also known as ulcerative colitis, this is a chronic condition wherein the digestive tract is severely inflamed. This happens when the top layer of your large intestine swells due to the formation of ulcers on the surface lining.

Accutane treatment works for treating your acne on the surface level. But there are far bigger consequences of using this product. I would rather live with an acne laden face than live with IBD or Chron’s disease. How about you? What’s your take on this? Are you willing to sacrifice your health for a clear skin? The choice is yours.

[youtube:SxHbldVAUNY?fs=1;[link:Home Remedies For Acne];]

Thanks for your time, hopefully you learned something from this article! Check out Acne Erasing Secrets on Youtube below to learn more!

To learn more about after accutane You can also get more acne tips on our Youtube channel.

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