Do You Make These Mistakes While Following A New Healthy Diet Plan?

I make mistakes all the time – in my healthy diet plan and other areas of my life. One time when I was making a white bean dip, I thought I’d try a bit of mustard powder. I accidentally dumped in a huge amount.

Rather than try scooping it out, I thought it wouldn’t be that terrible if I’ll just mixed it in, but I was wrong. Even when I added another can of beans to the mix, that mustard taste was not muted.

There are many mistakes that you can make when it comes to a healthy diet plan. However, it is very important to learn from them and continue to move forward. Being attentive to some of the common mistakes made by others can help you keep away from making them again.

Mistake #1 – Giving-in on Treats

Our brains and our tastebuds – are generally programmed to like sweets or sugar. It is, any how, our body’s major source of energy. Not all of us have sweet tooth, but everybody has a carb tooth. Treats like BBQ potato chips have a bunch of simple carbs within the layer of flavorings, salt and fat.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m trying to stick to a super healthy diet plan, I sometimes want to treat myself for being so good. Or I want to finish off a meal with just a little something sweet. You deserve it, right?

Treating yourself with occasional sweets is absolutely fine, but the negative side to this is that when you start to treat yourself with a chocolate bar, a cookie or even with a bag BBQ chips, it might be hard to prevent yourself from eating the whole thing.

Refined sugars, salt and fats as well as caffeine in chocolate are all addictive; consequently even if you only plan to eat a little, you can still end up with an empty bag of chips in no time.

Mistake #2 – Demonizing Fat

A healthy diet plan used to mean eating little or no fat at all. Fortunately, we’ve learned that’s absurd, but the fear of fatty foods still lingers in the back of our minds. Especially after the discovery of the bad effects of hydrogenated fats in our body, which are found in many foods.

I’m not an extremist, so I wouldn’t go far calling hydrogenated or highly refined fats as the evil incarnate, but they have completely no benefit and can cause lot of harm than good – particularly if you consume them regularly for years.

For your healthy diet plan, get the fat content you need from whole foods like avocados, seeds, nuts, grains and beans. Getting your fat from whole food sources will not only ensure that you’re getting high-quality, fresh fats and other nutrients, but they will also make it hard for you to consume too much fat.

And also, fats from whole foods have lesser calories compared to oils and processed foods. This way, you can still eat lots of fat, but not like you potato chip-guzzling counterparts.

Mistake #3 – Nutrition as Religion

The fundamentals of a healthy diet plan are fairly uncomplicated – you just need to consume lots of whole and unprocessed plant foods, while avoiding processed and refined food products. Oh yeah, and drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Once you switch to that type of healthy eating plan, you’ll begin to feel much better than you did following a Crappy Standard American Diet. And still, from that foundation of healthy eating, you can still do more.

Some people have figured out how to do better, and they want to share what they’ve learned with everyone else. The trouble is, they figure that everyone else needs the same things they needed to get to optimal health.

Each person is different – not only in culture and taste, but in actual structural and biochemical ways. We have different ways in processing foods, we absorb them at different level, and we also have unique needs for a couple of foods and nutrients.

To find your own way to optimal health, don’t get trapped in following someone else’s path – especially if they tell you that you need to follow certain ways strictly or else you’ll end up in nutritional rollercoaster.

Their course might be useful to you at first, but then again, it can be the opposite of what you actually need, or even worse, it might only be a marketing feat to sell you some nutritional books or some supplements.

It can be quite tough to come up with your very own healthy diet plan. For a long time now, I’ve been working on mine and I feel quite splendid, but I also understand that as my body and my knowledge changes, I’ll continue learning for the rest of my life.

The important thing is to get started and not be afraid to change things as you go and as you learn.

If you want to know more about healthy diet plan and would like free access to this popular new resource, “7 Secrets For Shaping Up Your Healthy Eating Habits”, check it out here: healthy eating secrets.

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