Discovering How to Face Loss in Your Life

Death is a hard subject to communicate about. It’s even more hard to face, especially if you’ve got no concept what is waiting “on the other side”. It is a generally held belief that all good people go to heaven, while very unpleasant folk, like Hitler, Stalin and Bin Laden go to hell. But if there is no certainty, the possible can be quite scaring In addition to an unknown destination after death, there's masses of other things that make death hard to address. Death means separation; separation from buddies and relatives, from things one enjoys and well…everything.

It also implies suffering. The general public leave this life thru discomfort and suffering. It isn't frequently one just closes their eyes, breathes their last breath and is gone without experiencing some form of suffering. Regardless of if one dies quickly in an accident, there may be terrifying moments just before that which make their dying experience anything with the exception of pleasant.

Separation, suffering and the great unknown of death make it comprehensible why people fear it so. Yet, God’s Word tells us death is a thing we needn't fear, not if we “live” right. How we live makes all the difference in how we die.

If one selects to live this life, for and by one’s self, without God, then by their own choice, when their life ends, the only power source and strength they're going to have to draw on is their own. Sadly , they can rapidly discover their private reservoir has nada to offer them and worse, they do not have any capacity on their lonesome to get to heaven. Jesus is the only possible way to heaven.

To clarify, death does not have the last say. For all Followers of Christ, death isn't final. It is simply an entrance to our real home, our final destination, the place we were made for. In our unending home, all suffering, unhappiness, agony and disease will end. We mean to experience joy and delight like we have never known. Death, then, can really become something we forecast instead of fear because of where it will take us. Even the process of dying loses its frightening grip when one walks that journey with God, rather than totally alone. A great article on stress, how to deal with stress and anxiety.

Burton Rager author of “Living Life Set Free” and “God’s Answer?” Click to discover more about how to deal with death and lossand receive a complimentary copy of “God’s Answer?”

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