Discover The Rich Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy Austin

You can divide the people of the world into two distinct groups. Group one is all the people who have yet to experience massage therapy Austin. Group two is comprised of the people who have learned the secret to enjoying life, feeling wonderful and remaining healthy.

If you have yet to enjoy a full hour session with a professionally certified therapist, it can sometimes be tough to even try to express the feeling one has from the experience, both during the actual session as well as afterward. One young woman recently may have said it best, shortly after the very first session of her life: it must be the reason so many people drink alcohol and take other kinds of drugs, in an effort to try to feel this incredible.

In fact, it’s rather interesting for her to have chosen that analogy, because quite a few drug and alcohol rehab programs are turning to this kind of therapy, with great success, to help addicts stay sober. In just about every instance it has been tried, the positive results are impossible to deny.

There is no doubt that part of the appeal of massage therapy is the pampering. It is a great way to treat yourself to something special. However, there are many other reasons to book an appointment and make it a part of your life. The benefits to your health are rather profound as well as numerous.

It is logical to think of the health benefits that massage can bring in terms of affecting the physical part of our being, but research is proving that it helps us mentally, psychologically and emotionally too. There have been some studies that looked at touch therapy versus pharmaceutical drugs for alleviating depression. Much to the chagrin of pharmaceutical company executives, the drugs were considered the clear cut loser.

While all of the various reasons are yet to be discovered that explains why it is so effective when it comes to alleviating depression, it has been shown that the natural anti-depressant, serotonin, is produced in larger quantity by the brain as a direct result of a massage session. According to recent research at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, located in southern California, the hormone largely responsible for feelings of intense bonding, oxytocin, is increased when light touch sessions are performed.

That same research proved that when moderate pressure is used, white blood cells are produced in larger number, which directly boost the person’s immune system. Moderate touch has also been proven to lessen the levels of cortisol and a number of other stress hormones.

Massage therapy is also documented as boosting blood and lymph fluid circulation. They are both of vital importance to your health. It lowers blood pressure as well. Massage therapy Austin is nothing short of an overall wellness program that helps to keep you in great spirits as well as great health.

Looking to find the most comprehensive information on massage therapy Austin?

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