Crucial Principles In German Shepherd Obedience

All dog training throws up many challenges along the way and none more so than when training a German Shepherd. There are specific techniques needed, but the good news is that they are easily learnt and the whole process can be incredibly rewarding.

All dogs are said to be loyal, but the German Shepherd is also loving and very clever. If you are lucky enough to have a well trained one as a pet, you don’t need me to tell you what brilliant pets they make.

If you have a German Shepherd puppy, make sure that it is trained so it grows up into a dog who has impeccable behavior. These tips will help you achieve this goal.

The Alpha dog will always be instinctively sought out by the German Shepherd. This instinct came in very useful in their original roles when they were used to herd their owners’ sheep.

The key to successfully training a German Shepherd puppy is to take on the role of the alpha dog. They will then look to you to guide and lead them. Be strong and authoritative, your puppy needs rules.

Be your puppy’s boss, but never be a puppy and attempt to train him by physical means. A happy, bouncy German Shepherd puppy can grow up to be a very disturbed adult dog due to their sensitivity.

Think of your puppy as a small child, they will always push you to see how far they go. This is just a puppy’s nature and you should expect nothing else. Stay firm and stern and they will soon know right from wrong without losing their character.

The other side of this is that you must reward your German Shepherd when he does well. As much hates being in trouble, they love to be praised and if they know there are kind words or a treat, they will try even harder to please you.

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